Subject: Venus and Your Soul's Journey

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 25th 2016
Hi Friend,

Last week we looked at how you are at your most attractive when Venus crosses your Ascendant and transits your first house, but the deeper meaning of Venus is so much more than just an 'agent' to help us get a desired job or marriage proposal!

By awakening desire within us Venus lights the touch-paper of an experiential journey that will, ultimately, lead to our spiritual awakening! This week, we explore the deeper meaning of Venus and her role in or Soul's journey.

According to Esoteric Astrology Venus has 'rulership', or custodianship, over four signs: she is the personality ruler of both Taurus and Libra, and is the Soul ruler of Gemini (she is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn but it is beyond the scope of this newsletter to explore the meaning of hierarchical rulerships - those interested can read Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey).

The Five Bodies

Patanjali, one of the founders of modern Yoga, described five 'bodies'* that we can experience on our spiritual journey of awakening. He related these to the five elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether. He called them the physical or ‘earth’ body (annamay kosh), the energy ‘fire’ body (pranamay kosh – also known as the ‘vital’ body in other traditions), the mental ‘water’ body (manomay kosh), intuitive ‘air’ body (vigyanamay kosh), and the bliss ‘ether’ body (anandmay kosh). Our spiritual journey is one of awareness and movement through each of these inner ‘bodies’. Once all five have been transcended, we attain 'Universal Mind'.

Venus and Taurus

We become aware of these 'bodies' initially through our senses. Venus plays an important role in our spiritual journey by first awakening our senses in Taurus, igniting within us the desire to explore our senses more fully. In Taurus the loving energy of Venus works initially through the physical senses to awaken awareness of the bliss body. 

As Venus works through desire in Taurus, she awakens our sense perception through the physical senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. This has the potential to open us to an experience of bliss, and awareness of the bliss body.

If we are still centered in the ego-personality the tendency can be towards grasping at more external 'objects' to feed the bliss experience: clinging to possessions of beauty, beautiful people, music, a beautiful body, while losing sight of our spiritual journey. This is why the path of Taurus is one of non-attachment. To continue our journey of spiritual awakening to completion, we must be aware of our experience yet not be attached to the experience itself. That way we don't get caught at any particular stage and can continue our journey to fruition.

Venus and Libra

In Libra Venus endows her subjects with a harmonizing aspect that manifests through the mind: in terms of conceptualizing or idealizing ideas of ethics, beauty, attractiveness and justice. Her work in Libra is more closely linked to harmony in the mental body.
Venus brings the energy of magnetic attraction. Initially this is animal magnetism, and at the personality level she awakens desire and passion within the individual, which lays the foundation for experiences of Love. In Libra we can conceive of Higher Love and harmony at the personality level and express this into the outer world through right relationship between Self and other.

Venus and Gemini

Gemini is ruled by Venus at Soul level. Once the activity of Gemini's personality ruler Mercury has expanded our perception, we are open to the activity of Venus through the heart center. The journey of Gemini is about resolving 'duality' and one of the major themes for anyone with Sun, Moon or Gemini Rising is the 'marriage' of the head and the heart.

The experience of Venus in Gemini brings a spiritual awakening in the form of a deep sense of communion and connectedness with all sentient beings. There is an awareness of Love, not as an idea, but as a living energy that permeates and radiates throughout all life. This shift in perception brings us to the realization of our interrelatedness with one another and all living things.

So we can see how the harmonizing influence of Venus is expressed as sensuality at personality level in Taurus, as right relationship at personality level in Libra, and as a pathway through Higher Mind to Higher Love at Soul level in Gemini. All for the purpose of supporting your awakening at different stages of your Soul's journey.

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*“Mastery Over The Five Elements” by OSHO. Online document available at

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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