Subject: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: The Outer Limits of Human Consciousness

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 30th 2016
Hi Friend,

What is the farthest point of consciousness?

Have you ever thought about it? How far can you go in expanding YOUR mind, YOUR consciousness, YOUR awareness?

My favorite movie as a kid was Fantastic Voyage.  I was 6 when that movie came out and I truly believe that a generation of Souls was born around that time who knew that 'fantastic' journeys are possible! We somehow innately knew that it was possible to travel through the Universe and explore, using the power of our own consciousness. 

So how come we don't 'get' this in our daily experience? Because... we have a brain. (Sorry Scarecrow but if you did have a brain it would limit you!)

In conventional astrology Saturn is considered to be the planet of limitation because it rules the structure of mind, and it is those same mental structures that limit our perception.

Our brain loves to ‘learn’, and we get through our everyday existence because we have learned so much: walking, talking, reading, writing, driving and so on.
There is nothing wrong with learning, but the very way that the brain functions also keeps us in illusion. Neuroscience is discovering what ancient yogis and spiritual teachers have taught for centuries, which is that each of us is actually living in a world created by our brain. We don’t experience reality ‘as it is’ at all. What we experience as reality is actually a projection from our brain based on past experience. Our whole neurological wiring - and the projections that result from it - come under the realm of Saturn.

When Esoteric Astrology was first published in 1951 it said that humanity didn't yet have the consciousness to perceive the subtle energies of the outer planets on an individual level.
Which is why we largely consider them to be generational in nature. However, that is changing... fast.

Evolutionary Shifts in Consciousness

We have been through evolutionary waves in human consciousness throughout the 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 2000's and beyond - until here we are now in the year 2016.
We have experienced the whole transcendental meditation movement, experiments with mind-altering substances such as LSD, not to mention the influx of eastern spiritual practices like yoga which were relatively unheard of in the 1950's and are now sweeping the planet. All this has led to experiences beyond our conventional mind. Beyond Saturn.

So do we have the same consciousness that we had in 1951? No. You can see this on an everyday level.
It is much more acceptable now to talk about spirituality and different spiritual traditions than it was in the 1950's. It is much more acceptable to connect with people outside of our own culture and traditions. Collectively we have made a huge shift beyond the confines of Saturn and I believe a substantial group of people are now able to perceive the subtler levels of consciousness that go beyond Saturn's mental structures.

Clear Light Mind

The Tibetan Dzogchen tradition specifically talks about an ability to 'go beyond' everyday mind (Saturn) to experience the 'clear light mind' beyond.
Consciousness itself is not limited by human brain wiring. With practice, we can cultivate an ability to go beyond our own mental structures, to take our conscious awareness beyond the limitations of our own brain wiring, and experience the vastness of our own being in the unbounded 'clear light mind' beyond!

The Role of The Outer Planets

This is a process that involves the outer planets (beyond Saturn) working on an individual level...

First Uranus opens our intuitive capacity.
This awakens perception so we are able to be receptive to the higher subtler energies, which allows us to welcome Neptune. Uranus brings us an experience of great clarity.

Then Neptune 'spiritualizes' what it touches, bringing great illumination.
Through the experience of Neptune we are able to perceive and utilize higher frequencies without being 'blinded' by the light.

Once we have been illuminated by Neptune, we become receptive to Pluto where we can realize the highest wisdom of all, which is the wisdom realizing emptiness:

“You live in illusion and the appearance of things.
There is a reality, but you do not know this.
When you understand this, you will see that you are nothing,
and being nothing you are everything.
That is all.”

- Kalu Rinpoche

In short:
  • Uranus brings great clarity,
  • Neptune brings great illumination (light), and
  • Pluto brings great wisdom (specifically the 'wisdom realizing emptiness').

Liberate Your Mind

Even this is only the beginning of our exploration of consciousness!
We cannot comprehend any farther because we have reached the limit of our current understanding, the current limit of human consciousness. It's like when you're hiking and you can't see how much farther until you get around the next bend in the trail!  One thing we do know is that it doesn't end here... there are frontiers beyond frontiers (cue the Star Trek theme) ... and once we get beyond our own Saturnian limitation, our consciousness is free to explore.

You are here to set yourself free.
To liberate your mind so that you can experience
the natural state of your own expanded consciousness.

If you're wanting to progress to understanding Soul Astrology at an advanced level it is vital that you open up your doors of perception to cultivate your awareness of subtler and subtler vibrations of energy.

Join Me In The Exploration of YOU!

If you're ready now, you might want to join us in a small Private Coaching Group
, facilitated by my mentor Anya Sophia Mann. We specifically focus on cultivating deep awareness and perception, through connection to our core essence. The next one starts next week and you're welcome to join us, provided there's still space available. (click here to check availability - this is a very small group and space is limited).

Notice how many things on a daily basis are actually DESIGNED to hijack your attention so that you move farther and farther away from experiencing your SELF
(commercials, social media, games, etc. etc). One of the most valuable things I have been learning with Anya is the vital skill of bringing awareness to my own experience (self awareness).

Self awareness is the only way you can stay connected to your core essence. It is the 'stargate' for your very own Fantastic Voyage of the Universe and beyond ... through your own consciousness!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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