Subject: This Time It's Personal ... Neptune Through The Houses

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
December 10th 2014
Hi Friend,

As we continue this series on the "Big Guns" (the planets of transformation: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) it's time to look at Neptune from a more personal perspective. So we've seen how the slow moving planets remain in one sign for many years, so whole generations are born with Neptune in the same sign.

So what is it that gives Neptune a more personal flavor? Where it is placed in your chart, and any aspects it makes to other planets. Also, as we mentioned in an earlier article, if you have Pisces Rising or personal planets in Pisces, you will be more receptive to Neptunian energy, and if you have Cancer Rising, you are a Cancer Soul and Neptune is the Soul Ruler of Cancer - so for you Neptune becomes one of the most important planets for indicating your Soul Path.

Just to recap: Neptune is sometimes called the 'spiritualising pole': it spiritualises what it touches. Wherever Neptune is in your chart, that part of your life is being 'spiritualised' by awakening your innate heart intelligence. Neptune works in a three-step process of illusion - disillusion - illumination.

So having said that, let's now see where in your life Neptune might be calling you to wake up to your heart intelligence!

The Spiritual Meaning of Neptune Through The Houses:

Neptune in the First House
If you have Neptune in your first house you are being called to wake up to the spiritual reality of your own being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of self, believing yourself to be all the labels that others impose upon you. At some point in your life you will become disillusioned with this. You may question yourself, begin asking 'who am I?', and even question the very nature of existence. You may experience an existential crisis where you ask 'what is the point of it all?' Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you begin to experience and understand the deeper truths of your own reality, and your own existence as a spiritual being.

Neptune in the Second House
If you have Neptune in the second house you are waking up to your own sense of spiritual values, and to value of yourself as a spiritual being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of materialism. In other words the society tells you that your value or worth is based on how much you can earn or acquire, and/or how well you can provide for yourself and others. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may have been successful in generating wealth, and begin questioning the point, wondering what it's all about and what you are really working for, or you may have had other experiences which cause you to question and explore your own sense of self-worth. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize that your prana, or life-force energy, is meant for something other than just working to earn money, but is there to support your spiritual growth. As a result of your spiritual experiences you begin recognizing your inherent value as a spiritual being.

Neptune in the Third House
If you have Neptune in the third house you are being awakened to the spiritual nature of your own mind.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of mental activity and learning. You may believe what you are taught at school, and view the world in an idealistic way. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you begin to see underneath conventional learning. You may experience disenchantment as you see how much of our thinking is 'programmed by mass media' communications. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize the real spiritual power of your own mind, which goes beyond any programming.

Neptune in the Fourth House
If you have Neptune in the fourth house you are being called to anchor yourself within your spiritual heart, as your true home.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of home and family. You may have ideas of how an ideal home and family ought to be. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you realize that real-life families are far from ideal and come with many problems and challenges. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize your spiritual home within, at your heart center, and as you move towards oneness and unconditional love, you realize that the whole world is your family.

Neptune in the Fifth House

If you have Neptune in the 5th house you are being awakened to your spiritual power as a creator being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of your creative self. In exploring who you are and your own power, you may get caught in the trap of seeking yourself through fleeting sensory pleasures that can lead to addictions. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, once again questioning what is it all about. You realize through experience that chasing after sense-pleasures only leads to the desire for more (hence addiction) and any happiness that comes as a result, is fleeting and temporary. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize that what you are really searching for was within you all along. You begin to identify with your Soul rather than anything outside yourself, and realize that permanent lasting happiness comes from a deep Soul connection.

Neptune in the Sixth House
If you have Neptune in the sixth house you are being awakened to the sacredness of health and well-being as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of service. You may have been told that you have to deny yourself in order to be of service to others, and that meeting your own needs would be 'selfish'. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may experience burnout from many years of trying to give to others while denying your own needs, or you may experience co-dependency, or you may simply discover that however much you try, you cannot really help others: they need to find it within themselves to help themselves. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize that true service comes from a deeper connection within yourself, and that the best way to 'serve' others is by standing fully in your own spiritual power, which serves as an inspiration and encouragement for others to find their own self-empowerment.

Neptune in the Seventh House
If you have Neptune in the seventh house you are being awakened to the sacredness of right relationship as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of relationship. You may have been hooked on the idea of romance and/or finding your ideal partner. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you realize that the 'ideal' relationship that is portrayed through romantic novels and movies is actually a fantasy. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize that the key to deep meaningful relationship and love is to have a deep, spiritual connection within yourself. Then you do not need others to fulfill you, and you are able to make a valuable contribution in relationship.

Neptune in the Eighth House
If you have Neptune in the eighth house you are being awakened to the sacredness of spiritual energy (including sexual energy) as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of sex and money, which is really the illusion of power. You may experience abuses of power in intimate relationships, and possibly deception around sex and/or shared resources (loans/debt/taxes etc.) At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this which causes you to look within for your own power. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your journey within leads you to the discovery of spiritual power and you are able to transmute the energy of desire into spiritual energy which you are able to focus for the higher good.

Neptune in the Ninth House
If you have Neptune in the ninth house you are being awakened to higher knowledge, sacred wisdom, and deep spiritual truth.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of knowledge. You may seek learning and/or education only to become disappointed as you realize it didn't have the deeper more meaningful answers that you were looking for. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this and begin looking elsewhere, deepening your search into spiritual traditions. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your spiritual path leads you to higher wisdom through your own experience and you begin to realize the deeper spiritual wisdom that lies beyond words and information systems.

Neptune in the Tenth House
If you have Neptune in the tenth house you are being awakened to the sacred path of discipleship and a spiritual path as a way of life.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of worldly success and ambition. You may have been told that the key to success was to climb the ladder, work hard, and secure your position in the world. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may have worked very hard only to find it didn't bring the promised rewards, or you may have a successful position yet still feel empty inside because it didn't bring you fulfillment. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you discover the true path of discipleship. You realize through your experience that there is a deeper spiritual purpose, and that the deeper fulfillment you are looking for, can be found by applying yourself diligently to a spiritual path or tradition.

Neptune in the Eleventh House
If you have Neptune in the eleventh house you are being awakened to the sacredness of humanity and group service as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of friends and group conformity. You may have humanitarian ideals that you share with groups of like-minded people, and work together to improve society. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, either because your shared ideals don't come to fruition, or you become disillusioned somehow with the group process. You may lose yourself in the group and begin wondering what it was all about. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you deepen your own individual path and realize that the way to connect with the collective consciousness is to first have a deep connection within yourself. When you discover your true spiritual power as an individual you will have a deeper understanding of group service that goes beyond mental ideals.

Neptune in the Twelfth House
If you have Neptune in the twelfth house you are being awakened to the sacred nature of oneness, and the power of Universal Love flowing through your own heart-center.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusions of your own subconscious. You may have psychic experiences or meaningful dreams which open you up to exploring the subconscious realms. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, either because you are afraid of your experiences, don't understand them, or feel that there is something more that you can't quite grasp. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your consciousness becomes expanded and you have access to higher levels of consciousness beyond psychic impressions. Ultimately you may experience oneness and Universal Love.

These are the natal positions of Neptune (the position of Neptune on the day you were born, as shown in your natal chart, that forms part of your energetic signature).

We have only briefly been able to touch on the meaning here and of course it also needs to be taken in the context of your whole energy mandala. For a complete in-depth analysis of your chart from a Soul-Centered perspective you can schedule a consultation through my website HERE.

That's all for now! Next week we'll complete our exploration of Neptune by looking at the 'transits' of Neptune through your chart, and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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