Subject: The Story of Your Soul

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
February 12th 2014
Hi Friend,

Last week we began looking at the planetary rulers of the horoscope, and this week we'll continue by looking at the Soul ruler of your chart, but first let me tell you about some new astrology reports I'm developing: soon there will be personal horoscopes, medical astrology reports, child reports and forecasts available - so watch this space!

Available NOW is a choice of three different relationship reports  - and by using the links in my previous email you'll get a discount if you purchase before midnight on Valentine's Day (Friday February 14th). Feel free to forward that email so your friends can get the discount too!

OK so... now back to your chart!
Last week we looked at the chart ruler as an indicator of how energy is flowing through your life. Understanding the flow of energy is key to understanding astrology because, after all, astrology is simply a language of energy and light.

Your Rising Sign is the key to your chart. This is also called the Ascendant, but I like to keep using the term Rising Sign because it reminds us of it's significance, especially in Soul Astrology. It is the sign that was rising on the horizon at that point in time and space when you were born.

If you've ever experienced a sunrise, you'll understand that each new dawn has a very special feel to it. There is a unique energy signature. It brings a new energy into the day and carries that energy forward. Likewise the sign that was dawning at the point of your birth was bringing in the energy of your Life and Soul, that you are carrying forward.

This is why the Rising Sign is considered the most important sign in Soul Astrology - it is carrying the energy signature of your Soul. As we saw last week looking at the planetary rulers can indicate the story, or main theme, playing out in your everyday life. When we also look at the Soul Rulers of that same sign, we can see the theme that your Soul is wanting to develop in this lifetime.

The Soul Rulers for the twelve signs are:

ARIES: Mercury

TAURUS: Vulcan*


CANCER: Neptune

LEO: The Sun

VIRGO: The Moon

LIBRA: Uranus






*in Soul Astrology, based on the work of Alice Bailey, not only are there sacred and non-sacred planets, but there are also 'hidden' planets such as Vulcan.

By understanding the soul and personality expressions of your chart rulers (the planets ruling your Rising Sign) you can clearly see the 'story of your life' (as in the everyday theme that is unfolding) and the 'story of your Soul', in other words what is also wanting to happen for your Soul's growth and development!

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


To support you on your journey...
An overview of your soul's essence and what wants to be expressed through the 'lens' of you in this lifetime!

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Every Wednesday I co-host Quantum Alchemy radio with Anya Sophia Mann featuring a unique blend of breakthrough transformational coaching with callers, AND the latest in science and spirituality impacting how we live and work! Including:

Soul Path Astrology with Ruth 3rd Wednesday every month

This month: Wednesday February 19th I'll be looking at the soul path astrology of HH Dalai Lama

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What's included:
  • A Spiritual Science For An Evolving Humanity
  • Music and Celestial Harmonics, The Origins of Soul Astrology
  • Developing The Intuitive Faculty To Access Higher Mind
  • Seven Creative Forces
  • The Importance of Your Rising Sign more
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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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