Subject: The Six Polarities: Taurus-Scorpio

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
December 7th 2016
Hi Friend,

In recent weeks we have been looking at the deeper significance of the six polarities and their importance for our spiritual journey.

Over the coming weeks we'll continue looking more deeply at each 'polarity' in turn to gain a deeper understanding of the energy dynamics involved, continuing this week with Taurus-Scorpio... enjoy!

Taurus-Scorpio drawings.Source: Wikipedia. Public domain. PD-US

It is said that the Buddha had six planets (plus Chiron) in Taurus and that he was born under Taurus, passed in Taurus, and became enlightened in Taurus. Many important Buddhist festivals are celebrated during the time of Taurus. The highest vibration of Taurus is about revelation, illumination and enlightenment. It is a very mysterious sign, associated with the opening of the third eye.

At the personality level, Taurus has a tendency toward stubbornness. This is natural; as the fixed-earth sign, its purpose is to create stability. Anyone with a Taurean friend or relative will know the reassuring sense of stability we feel around our Taurean friends. The purpose of all “fixed” energy is to stabilize; however, the Soul purpose of Taurus relates to the deeper mysteries of “stabilizing” spirit in matter. In other words, it refers to the deeper mysteries of anchoring light into form, and the formation of the light body.

Scorpio, on the other hand, is associated with sex, death, rebirth, power and the deepest, darkest mysteries of the human psyche. As the fixed water sign, there can be an almost 'obsessive' quality to Scorpio. Entering the world of Scorpio is not for the feint-hearted. It demands depth of focus, a sense of adventure, and great courage. Scorpio is here to find the point of light in the darkness, to challenge the negativities of human ego and finally transform darkness into light. Scorpio has a deep fascination with the darkest side of human nature because it is her job to transform this very darkness into light, but before she can do this she needs the illumination of her opposite sign Taurus.

Taurus needs to access the desire and persistence of Scorpio to avoid falling into laxity and missing the spiritual path altogether. Scorpio needs the illumination and steadfastness of her opposite sign Taurus to avoid being overcome by desire and temptation and straying from the path. When the balance point is found on the Taurus-Scorpio axis there is the potential for illumination, powerful spiritual awakening, and enlightenment.

“Desire in Taurus becomes spiritual aspiration in Scorpio.
The darkness of the experience in Scorpio 
becomes illumination in Taurus.”

– The Tibetan

So the Taurus-Scorpio axis is all about overcoming our human tendencies for desire and attachment - both of which lead to suffering when taken to extremes. When these energies are 'tamed' they become powerful catalysts 
for spiritual advancement.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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