Subject: The Six Polarities: Aries-Libra

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
November 30th 2016
Hi Friend,

Over the last couple of weeks we looked at the six polarities and how we become ‘polarized’ as our behavior tends to ‘solidify’ at our preferred (habitual) end of a polarity. 

Over the coming weeks we'll look more deeply at each 'polarity' in turn to gain a deeper understanding of the energy dynamics involved, starting this week with Aries-Libra... enjoy!

Aries-Libra drawings.Source: Wikipedia. Public domain. PD-US

There are two points of balance in the year, when the day and night, the polarities of dark and light, are of equal length. This happens when the Sun enters Aries, at the Spring Equinox, and again when the Sun enters Libra, at the Autumn Equinox. The Aries-Libra polarity is therefore concerned at the highest level with the energies of Divine Will, Balance, Equanimity and Divine Harmony. 

In a 'natural' horoscope (Aries Rising) Aries is on the cusp of the first house (sense of self) and Libra is on the cusp of the 7th (relationships) so the Aries-Libra polarity is often described as the axis of self vs others.

Aries is the energy of Creation in its purest form. It is the spark of Divine Will that initiates all Life. In Esoteric Astrology it is said that the Soul begins its journey in Aries as a “point of light in the mind of God.” As the first Zodiac sign, Aries is often said to be the sign that is “closest to God,” because the “point of light” (which is the newly-conceived Soul) has not left God’s ‘mind’ yet. This also possibly explains why Aries is one of the most intuitive signs. Aries symbolises the first 'spark' of life that bursts into existence from the void and therefore represents an initiating impulse, or a spontaneous movement into action.

Divine Law requires the balancing of energies within any system, to maintain harmony. Existence depends upon it. In the natural world we can see this fine balancing of energies within an ecosystem. Everything is very finely and delicately dependent upon everything else. Modern science is only just beginning to realise how delicately balanced and inter-dependent the natural world (including us) really is. So there has to be a modifier, a balancing force that harmonises the creative urge of Aries and that is Aries' opposite sign Libra.

At its highest Soul vibration, Libra is about ethics, justice and Divine harmony. Within a human system, the fully integrated Libra Soul has the capacity and power to fine-tune and balance universal energies through right relationship. This includes an ability to sense any imbalance, and bring it back into alignment. Restoring balance and a harmonious existence with ‘all that is’. You may find such individuals playing an active role in the eco-movement: restoring balance through right relationship between humanity and our Earth Mother.

The Libra individual has an innate understanding of harmonics. This leads Libra into ethical questioning. Often it is said that Libra individuals are indecisive (in contrast to the apparent decisiveness of their polar opposite Aries) but this is an over-simplification of what is really happening. For Libra, it is important to understand the process of decision-making. How can we know when a decision is the correct one?

This is the purpose of ethics – the process whereby we can make “right” decisions. The Soul purpose of Libra is “right human relations,” and the essence of Libra carries the very wisdom that Aries needs. Aries will develop wisdom by being more Libra-like and thinking about why a certain decision is the “right” one by asking the question: what makes it “right?”

So the Aries-Libra polarity is about the initial impulse to exist, and then the natural balancing of that impulse as all 'things' find their right relationship to one another in the manifest universe. For individuals this comes down to finding the balance between our individual will and right relationship with each other. 

When we transcend our ego and become anchored in our Soul it becomes the expression of inspiration as God's Will (the highest vibration of Aries) for the purpose of balancing the relationship between Mother Earth and all her creatures (the highest expression of Libra).

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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