Subject: The Science of Karma and Sacred Triangles

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 25th 2015
Hi Friend,

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master emphasizes the importance for astrologers of the future to understand what he refers to as 'the science of triangles'. What might he mean by this?
In astrology we study 'aspects' which indicate the relationship between planets and points* in your birth chart, based on geometry - the degree of the angle between them. Then we give these angles names for example if planets are at an angle of 60º to one another we call it a 'sextile'. We only need two planets in relationship to one another in this way to form an 'aspect'. Some aspects are considered significant and others not, and some are considered harmonious while others are challenging.

In addition to that, where three or more planets or points are involved, aspects can also form patterns, and the most basic pattern of all is a triangle. Aspect patterns can also be considered harmonious or challenging, some examples you may have heard of are trines and 't-squares'. Understanding and interpreting aspects and aspect patterns forms a large part of the astrologers art. I remember thinking the first time I saw the aspects and patterns on my chart, how it just looked like a ball of string that a cat has been playing with and tangled around the furniture!

It takes time and experience to begin to see the meaning of aspects and aspect patterns in your chart, and I believe the Tibetan Master is also referring to something much more than just interpreting two-dimensional patterns on a chart. As with everything else in Esoteric Astrology, he is talking about energy and energy dynamics. Remember, your two-dimensional birth chart is only a symbol of your energy field. So when we start looking at aspects and patterns in your chart, how does that relate to your energy field?

If we have two pegs in the ground and we tie a piece of string between the two of them, we have just that: two pegs connected by a piece of string! But if we add a third peg, and run our string around all three, we have something else. Not only do we have three pegs connected by a piece of string, but we also have a field. We have created an area that is contained within the boundary of our string. We can move our pegs around and change the shape of the field, but as long as out string remains connected to all three pegs, the field remains intact.

When we have an aspect in our chart, we have an energy that is running between two planets or points in the chart. The harmonious or challenging nature of the aspect will tell us more about how we are running that energy in our lives. When we have an aspect pattern in our chart, we not only have the energy running between three or more planets or points but we also have the energetic field contained within the boundary. Understanding the nature of aspect patterns begins to make more sense when we can understand the nature of this energy field.

All aspect patterns are karmic in the sense that they are pointing towards an energy field that pre-existed in you at the time that you were born. When I say 'karma' I mean in it's simplest sense of cause and effect, for example the 'cause' of an apple tree is an apple seed, and it is the 'karma' of an apple seed to become an apple tree. In this way aspect patterns are indicating a pre-existing energetic field that you were born with.

I think the Tibetan's emphasis on understanding the science of triangles is an invitation for us to consider how these energetic patterns are formed in the first place. Esoterically it is said that all forms manifest initially from thought. Energy follows thought, but not necessarily conscious thought as we know it. In buddhist traditions there is a saying that if you want to know your past life, look at your present conditions and if you want to know your future life look at your present actions.

Once you have some understanding of the aspect patterns in your chart, it is important to begin observing how they are showing up in your everyday life. Do you experience them as supportive or obstructive? Even though they may be karmic in nature, they are also 'sacred' in the sense that they are indicating deep energetic factors at work in your psyche that may be catalysts for your Soul's growth. Remember they are not a sentence that has been 'imposed' on you by anything outside of you. It is your own energy field, and you have the power to dissolve old patterns that no longer serve your Soul's growth, and replace them with more supportive patterns. This is done through clear intention and action.

Through observation and self-awareness
you can become aware of, and heal,
your own karmic patterns by understanding
the 'sacred triangles' in your own chart!

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*Points are factors in your chart that, even though they aren't planets they are still important such as your rising sign, midheaven etc.
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