Subject: The Moon: Friend or Foe?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
August 20th 2014
Hi Friend,

I admit last week's newsletter sounded a bit deterministic: as though we are trapped in destiny, controlled by the movements of the Moon, and powerless to exercise free will or break out of the clutches of this 'evil Moon'. In fact this is how the Moon, and indeed all the planets, were thought of in earlier periods throughout the history of astrology. In medieval times for example it was thought that everything was predetermined, destiny or 'the fates' dealt their hand and we were pretty much powerless to intervene. They were very suspicious, and fearful, of the Moon. There is still a residue of this belief in our modern culture, as many people still believe that most of life is predetermined and we don't really have much choice or free will.

However this belief is very limiting and dis-empowering. It denies your own power. The reality is that while we cannot always exercise control over external circumstances, we do have total control over how we react or respond to them, once we develop more conscious awareness. When we are unconscious we allow ourselves to be driven by our instincts, urges, desires and compulsions and fail to recognize our own power. We are motivated not by choice and free will, but more from unconscious reacting and conditioned reflexes. This can be our experience of the Moon at personality level and, as long as we continue reacting impulsively, and not exercising our free will, our lives may as well be predetermined. The Moon at this level doesn't seem to be our friend!

Once we begin our spiritual journey of awakening, the Moon becomes our best friend and ally. On the path of awakening, the Moon illuminates: bringing to our conscious awareness, those previously unconscious compulsions, desires, habits and reactions that would keep us stuck in lower consciousness. The Moon illuminates our emotional attachments and, through our relationship with others, shows us where much of our spiritual healing is to be done. On our spiritual journey, the Moon becomes our best friend.

Ways to look at the Moon
By Sign
Of all the planets (ok if we're being technical the Moon isn't a planet, but stay with me!) the Moon plays a very prominent part in any horoscope because it is looked at in many different ways.
First we look at which sign the Moon is in.This gives you an indicator of how you react and respond to others in relationship. You might have Sun in bright and breezy, objective, Gemini (the mutable air sign), but if you have Moon in Cancer (cardinal, water) your feelings and emotions may surface when you are in relationship with others, and you may need to have your feelings (rather than your thoughts and ideas) acknowledged in order to feel valued in relationship.

Whichever sign your Moon is in, the qualities of that sign will surface when you are relating, responding and reacting to others.
The reaction will be emotional in nature (the Moon governs emotions) and/or have some emotional component relative to that sign, for example with Moon in Scorpio you may have difficulty accessing and expressing your emotions. Also, when threatened, you may react with the 'defense' mechanism of that sign: for example if you have Moon in Sagittarius you may respond with sarcasm when you feel hurt or threatened.

Another factor to consider is that our Moon-type reaction is often not conscious, and may be invisible to us.
Someone with Sun in sensitive Pisces, with a Sagittarius Moon, may be shocked and hurt that others sometimes perceive him or her as sarcastic! In this way the Moon can be said to represent an aspect of our wounded inner child, and doing the work of healing the 'wounds' of our Moon sign can be one of the biggest pieces of spiritual healing that we will do in this lifetime. For example if we have Moon in Aries we maybe felt invisible - as though we had no 'right to exist', or with Moon in Leo we never got the attention we needed in order to feel emotionally nurtured and secure.

By House
To see where in your life this plays out we look at which house the Moon falls in, in your chart.
For example a Cancer Moon in the 2nd house may need to feel financially secure, in order to feel emotionally secure. Moon in Aries in the 6th house you may need to be 'seen' and acknowledged in your job, or by those you have a duty to care for, in order to feel a sense of emotional well-being.

The Lunation Cycle
Another important way that we look at the Moon in your chart is through the lunation cycle: whether the Moon is waxing, waning and in which phase of the Moon's cycle you were born in (crescent Moon, Full Moon etc.).
Generally speaking, waxing Moon types are said to be more subjective in their experience, while waning Moon types are said to be more objective, nevertheless the Lunation Cycle is telling us something about how we as individuals relate to the world around us, and how we make an impact, or not, on our environment. Master astrologer Dane Rudhyar considered the Lunation Cycle to be very important and you can read more in his book "Lunation Cycle: A Key To The Understanding of Personality".

The Nodal Axis
Last but not least, another way we can see the Moon's influence in our chart is to look to the Nodal Axis.
The Nodal axis doesn't refer to the Moon itself but rather the Moon's passage through the sky and most importantly the two points where the Moon's path intersects the ecliptic (the path of the Sun). This is the point in the sky where two paths cross (the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon). When interpreting it's meaning we need to be clear which astrological system we are using because Indian or Vedic astrology ascribes a different meaning than Western Astrology.

Some astrologers say it suggests our Soul - but in Soul Astrology we use the Ascendant to indicate the Soul's path and purpose, so what of the Nodal Axis?
According to Soul Astrologer Alan Oken the Nodal Axis tells us something about our role in the society to which we were born. How the society sees us, and what the society expects from us. In terms of our Soul Astrology this can be seen as a spiritual prescription that helps us to break free from old patterns of familial and societal conditioning.

The South Node is often seen as the familiar old path. Old patterns and roles that we have become very comfortable with, even skilled and proficient. Nothing wrong with that, but blindly repeating those patterns can mean stagnation - there is no growth.
For example if we have south Node in Virgo we may be very comfortable being hands-on and practical in our spiritual journey: flowing love into the world by running the soup kitchen and giving practical support to others. Nothing wrong in that, but we need to be careful that isn't distracting us from our own path. The North Node in Pisces is calling us to lift our head up, and see the big picture. Have some transcendental experiences through meditation or devotional practices, so we experience Universal Love for ourselves, and recognize our own Divinity.

There are many ways to look at the Moon in your chart:
the meaning of eclipses; whether the Moon is your traditional or Soul-Centered chart ruler; the proximity to the angles; and important aspects to the Moon, but we don't have the space here to go into detail.

For now it is enough to say that there are many ways to look at the Moon but whichever way we look at it, once we commit ourselves to our spiritual journey the Moon becomes a friend, ally, and powerful guide along the way.

That's all for now see you next time, and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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