Subject: The Foundations of Soul Astrology #22: Neptune, The Luminous Nature of Being

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The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!
October 2021
Hi Friend,

This month we continue our exploration of the Outer Planets (or Planets of Transformation) with a visit to Neptune. 

"Each planet supports us in our journey of awakening, 
by facilitating a shift from a conventional expression of our nature 
to a higher spiritual quality that is more in alignment with ultimate truth." 

In our evolutionary journey of self-development so far we established our foundation and family under the influence of the personal planets. Under the influence of the social planets we formed groups and societies to learn from each other, and put law and structures in place to govern our society. Now the transformational planets are here to transport us to the realm of the transpersonal, as they awaken us to a greater sense of our place and purpose in the Universe... 

Last month we met Uranus, bringer of the gift of intuition, this month we meet Neptune, bringer of the light ...


You can read about this month's sign, Libra and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video of "Libra Rising The Libra Soul" HERE - enjoy! 

You can also get single issues of "The Foundations of Soul Astrology" series on Kindle (useful for those occasions when you don't have an internet connection) and the entire series is available as a single volume in paperback or on Kindle CLICK HERE for details.
Triumph of Neptune standing on a chariot pulled by two sea horses (Latin: hippocampes). Mosaïque d'Hadrumète (Sousse) the mid-third century AD. Musée archéologique de Sousse..©Public Domain. From Wikipedia
The Foundations of Soul Astrology:
Neptune, The Luminous Nature of Being

As we continue our deep exploration of the planets, and their role in the evolution of consciousness, we arrive at the stage of illumination. Remember that as we evolve through the levels of instinct > intellect > intuition > illumination and emptiness, each stage is necessary. It's not that we 'lose' our instinct, intellect and intuition, as we move into illumination, but rather that each stage is a vital foundation for what comes next. So by the time we reach the level of the wisdom realising emptiness (clear light mind), we also realise that we are also all of it. We are everything that has gone before. We don't 'transcend' instinct by 'getting rid of it' but rather it becomes integrated into our whole being.

Neptune, God of The Ocean

In Roman Times Neptune was considered to be the God of freshwater, and the oceans. He was also associated with horses, which symbolise power. In terms of Soul Astrology then, we can think of Neptune in association with the power of oceanic consciousness: the expansive vastness of being that awaits us once we have transcended our conditioned mind. According to spiritual masters and yogis throughout the ages, once we realise this transcendental consciousness, we become aware that it's nature is also luminous. In other words the true nature of our being is light. So from an esoteric and Soul Astrology perspective, we also associate Neptune with illumination.

Neptune and Illumination

Illumination in the modern sense can often mean explaining something in terms of giving more information or knowledge to "shed light" on a subject, but when we use the word illumination in this sense we are speaking figuratively. We are not literally shining actual light on a subject as though we had a flashlight! In the sense of the evolution of consciousness, when the Tibetan spoke of the illumination stage, he was speaking literally. He was speaking of the stage of spiritual enlightenment when our body, mind, and spirit, becomes filled with actual light that we experience and perceive.

Neptune is the planetary spaceholder for the 'illumination' stage of human evolution. Jampa Shaneman, author of "Buddhist Astrology" has described Neptune as the "spiritualizing" pole. Neptune spiritualises what it touches, because Neptune dissolves everything into the ocean of conscious light. The Universe is of the nature of conscious light, and everything in the known (and unknown) Universe: you, me, Mother Earth and all her vast forests, landscapes, oceans, deserts, and creatures, have emerged from this conscious light and will return to this conscious light.

The Discovery of Neptune

Neptune was discovered in 1846 by Urbain Le Verrier and Johann Gottfried Galle. We could therefore say that the spiritual enlightenment of humanity started in 1846, yet if this is the case, how can it be that there is still so much turmoil, unrest, violence and war on the planet? Neptune is a slow moving planet and actually takes about 165 years to complete one orbit around the Sun, or one complete cycle through each of the twelve zodiac signs. According to the tropical zodiac Neptune was at 25º Aquarius when it was discovered, and completed one cycle by February 10th 2010.

A Three-Step Process: Illusion, Disillusion and Illumination

It is important to understand how Neptune 'spiritualises' through a three-step process of illusion, disillusion, and finally illumination. Before we arrive at the exalted state of spiritual illumination and bliss, we have to navigate a long unfolding process of illusion and disillusion. Collectively, humanity experienced a great deal of Neptunian crises in the 165 years between 1846 and 2010 leading to confusion, illusion, deception, and the emergence and expansion of chemical and drug use and abuse (both commercially and illicitly).

We may not yet be spiritually enlightened, but collectively we are becoming increasingly aware of deception as we have become aware of fraudulent schemes and 'scams'. We have access to more information, and are both more street-wise and cynical than people of the 1840's. We also have access to more 'tools' of fantasy, addiction, and escapism: drugs, sex, movies, internet, computer games, fantasy games etc. Our capacity to become lost in our own imaginations and delude ourselves, becoming even more detached from reality, has also increased.

From Illusion to Disillusionment

It seems that this first cycle of Neptune has led us from illusion into a necessary 'disillusionment' with our leaders, our religions, our societal and governmental structures, so that we will wake up and question what is the real point of our being here at all. Although it might seem far from our spiritual journey, the experiences that Neptune brings are actually an inherent part of it.

Now let's go a bit deeper into how Neptune transforms through this three-step process of illusion, disillusionment and finally illumination. We mentioned above that Neptune is said to 'dissolve' what it touches, and that Buddhist Astrologer Jhampa Shaneman describes Neptune as the ‘spiritualizing pole’ precisely because of this 'dissoluton'. It is the process of dissolution that eventually leads to illumination. This happens because, by dissolving the structures of mind and limiting beliefs that are in our way, Neptune can reveal the clear light beyond, leading to greater illumination.


Before we can experience spiritual bliss, nirvana, and enlightenment, we need to wake up to the reality of our own mind and see what keeps us from it. It is through our own attachments and addictions that we keep ourselves 'locked' into repeating habits of behavior that block our ability to receive and perceive spiritual light. In the early stages of our Neptune experience, Neptune shines a light on how we delude ourselves and block our ability to access the highest vibrations of Neptune: great compassion, unconditional love, and Divine bliss.

One of the most notable examples of our capacity for self-delusion happened exactly at the time of Neptune's discovery in 1846. The Great Famine in Ireland was notable because of the indifference and lack of help on the part of those in power. The worst winter was 1846-1847 (Neptune was discovered in September 1846). Measures that could have been taken weren't, as the British Prime Minister of the time, Sir Robert Peel, deluded himself in a very Neptunian way that this was "Divine" intervention, and that the Irish were "exaggerating". This illustrates our great capacity to delude ourselves that we are doing "God's work" while ignoring the suffering of our human family.

The lower expressions of Neptune - delusion and false belief (illusion) - prevented access to the highest expressions of Neptune: compassion, love, and spiritual nourishment. The great nourishing capacity of spiritual love and compassion is why Neptune is exalted in Cancer. Approximately 1 million lives were lost because those in power were unable to access simple human compassion. Whereas previous famines in history could be conveniently forgotten about, the rise in technology meant that news could spread: so the Irish famine, and the prevailing attitude of the government at the time, has been 'illuminated' - brought to light, and future generations can see the circumstances and brutish attitudes that made a bad situation disastrous. This leads to disillusionment with those to whom  we have given power.


The next stage in the Neptune three-stage process is disillusionment: a necessary disillusionment whereby we lose our 'illusions'. Although disillusionment is uncomfortable for our ego, it is a necessary stage on our spiritual journey. We have to divest ourselves of false beliefs and illusions so that we can begin to recognise spiritual truth. Truth in this sense doesn't mean whether a mental concept or idea is 'true' or 'false' but rather the truth of our reality as spiritual beings and our connectedness as one human family. This means being able to recognise and perceive our inner light.


Finally Neptune illuminates or, rather, provides those conditions whereby we are finally able to perceive our pre-existing light. We are already beings of light, and as we divest ourselves of our conditioned behaviors and limiting mental concepts, our light magnifies to the point where it may even become visible to the naked eye. This is an advanced stage of spiritual development and it is why great saints and yogis are often depicted with halos, because people have witnessed actual light emanating from their bodies. These are not one-off occurrences that only happened hundreds of years ago. Although rare, this advanced stage of spiritual development is still possible today for those who devote themselves to the spiritual path.

A real-life example was recently documented by Catholic priest Father Francis Tiso, who describes actual light emanating from advanced Buddhist practitioner Lama A Chö:

"He showed us two photographs taken of him in the dark, 
and in these photographs his body radiated rays of light." 

- Fr. Francis Tiso, Rainbow Body and Resurrection

Scientists have also been able to photograph people in a dark room, using special cameras that can operate in very low light levels, and even ordinary people have been shown to be emanating some degree of light. See the photographs in this article, "Humans Glow Visible Light

We Are Light

We are light, and (in astrological terms) it is under the Neptunian stage of our spiritual development (illumination) that we are able to perceive it, and when that happens our light magnifies and grows even stronger. Our bodies become filled with light, and eventually become light. Along with this process can come a feeling of great bliss or Divine Rapture. Spiritual masters often caution against getting 'lost' in the bliss. Remember it is possible to get 'stuck' at any stage of our spiritual development, and we can easily become attached to bliss, which then hinders our progress to the next stage of our spiritual development. 

Indeed it is attachment to bliss that can keep us stuck at the lower level of our Neptune experience. If we continually chase after alcohol, drugs and other addictions, purely for the experience of bliss itself, this itself becomes a form of conditioning that keeps us seeking things outside of ourselves, and blocks our spiritual development. (There is a distinction between chemically-induced states of bliss and true spiritual experience, which is described beautifully in Steve Taylor's book: "Waking from Sleep").

Awakening Heart Intelligence

Although Neptune and Uranus are both waking us up, they do so in very different ways. While Uranus is awakening us it is still working on the level of mind, albeit higher mind, by bringing us intuition, flashes of insight, and deeper knowing.

Neptune continues the process of awakening that begins with Uranus, by taking our intuition and developing it even further by awakening our heart. The highest vibration of Neptune is compassion, so where Uranus awakens Higher Mind, Neptune awakens Heart Intelligence. Both are needed if we are to be whole and fully, spiritually, awake.

Through heart intelligence Neptune awakens us to a sensing capacity where we are able to sense the quality of energy in all aspects of our being: the physical body, the energy body, the mental body, the intuitive body, the bliss body and, ultimately, Universal Mind. This sensing capacity, through great empathy, initially alerts us to the presence of suffering which, in turn, ignites great compassion and the wish to be of benefit to others. 

Neptune is associated with illusion and on the path of Neptune it seems that we get caught in our illusions and delusions, only to experience a necessary disillusionment, which catalyses us to continue our deeper search for that which is real, true, and meaningful. The ultimate purpose of Neptune is that once we are more receptive to it's energy, through conscious awareness, it has the potential to awaken great compassion in us.

Neptune and The Veil

In order to really appreciate what Neptune is trying to teach us we have to understand a little bit about states of consciousness. Neptune opens us up to subtle realms of existence and is said to be associated with 'the veil'. Ironically wherever Neptune is in our chart, is also where we are most likely to delude ourselves. Neptune brings a subtle and nebulous quality to our awareness as he awakens us to different states of consciousness.  

What is actually happening is that as we open ourselves up and become more receptive to the energies of Neptune, we first become aware of our own limitation. We become aware of the 'veil'. The veil of which we speak here is a boundary, a limitation on our consciousness that prevents us from seeing subtler realms 'beyond the veil'. People who have psychic and clairvoyant abilities are said to be able to 'see beyond the veil' because their consciousness has expanded to be able to perceive the subtle realms. This 'veil' is actually created by our own mind, by our own subconscious. It is a result of focusing solely on our intellect and being centered in our heads instead of our hearts. Having said that the 'veil' is very real. It is like a magnetic field generated by the cumulative mental energy of the 7 billion or so human beings on this planet! Much like an invisible web that is spun around the world by the collective 'mind' of humanity!

As we become attuned to the energy of Neptune we become aware of the nature of this mental 'veil' and as we become more heart-centered, our intuitive capacity increases and we become aware of more subtle realms 'beyond the veil'. Opening the heart center is the key to the working with the nature of Neptune and which is why Neptune is also considered the planet of great compassion. As our consciousness expands, under the influence of Neptune, we become aware of subtler and subtler aspects of our own being.

Patanjali's Five Energy Bodies

Patanjali, one of the founders of modern Yoga described the physical (earth) body, the energy (fire) body, the mental (water) body, the intuitive (air) body, and the bliss (ether) body. Our journey is one of awareness as we awaken to the existence and nature of these layers of our being. And, although we may enjoy it, bliss is not the end result! We go beyond bliss and eventually our consciousness opens up into what Patanjali called 'Universal Mind' (this is also analogous with the Clear Light Mind in the Tibetan tradition). Yet at the personality level we can get 'caught' at any one of these stages, which is why we are all at different stages on our spiritual journey. We're all working our way through one of these stages to get to the next.

The whole purpose of our spiritual journey is to awaken us to these subtle aspects of our being, and in astrology that is Neptune's role. Neptune awakens our senses through increasingly subtle and often pleasurable feeling states, to draw these energies to our attention. So we can clearly see the spiritual potential and also the dangers of walking the path of Neptune. When we start to pursue a feeling state for it's own sake, rather than as a stage on our spiritual journey, that's where we can go wrong and get caught in drug, sex or alcohol-induced states without spiritual awareness.

Transpersonal States of Awareness

Yes we have the potential to awaken to higher, transpersonal, states of awareness and yet there is also the potential for us to delude ourselves: to get caught in an individual or collective trance and/or get lost in bliss along the way. Not because Neptune is 'doing' anything to us, but because of the nature of the energy involved and our own tendency at the personality level towards attachment: wanting to seek out and 'hold on' to any of these particular states of consciousness rather than simply enjoying them and allowing them to pass as we continue on our way.

This is why, on our spiritual journey, it is important to move towards greater and greater states of clarity. To navigate our way through these nebulous waters without getting caught in addictive states, we need to stay fully present to our own experience and remain crystal clear. Then Neptune becomes a planet of illumination that supports us in opening our consciousness to Universal Mind, which is where we experience Universal (Divine) Love.

Neptune and Pisces

Neptune is co-ruler of Pisces with Jupiter at the personality level. Whereas Jupiter's role is to expand the sense of self beyond the individual, Neptune brings awareness of the nature of suffering, which ignites Universal Compassion. Neptune has the potential to bring oceanic consciousness, the awareness of the vastness of our true being, but first Neptune illuminates our delusions and shows us where we can be caught in the illusion of our own beliefs. If you have Pisces Rising, then Neptune is your chart ruler at the personality level, and the position and condition of Neptune in your chart, by sign, house and aspects, will be showing you where you have limiting beliefs that can keep you caught in illusion at the personality level. Your challenge is to transcend these beliefs so that you may experience the expansiveness of your true nature.

Neptune and Cancer

Neptune is the Soul Ruler of Cancer. If you have Cancer Rising Neptune, is the Soul Ruler of your chart and the position and condition of Neptune by sign, house, and aspect is very important and deserves deep contemplation. This is the area of your life where your Cancer Soul is calling you to release lower ego-driven behaviors so that you can step more fully into Universal Compassion, and realise your Soul's Purpose.

Neptune Through The Signs

Neptune takes about 165 years to make one complete orbit of the Sun so not many people live to see a 'Neptune' return in their charts! Because it is a slow-moving planet whole generations have Neptune in the same sign, so we can see that there is a generational and cyclical quality to the process of heart awakening for the whole of humanity.

Let's see how this unfolds with Neptune through the signs, as each generation builds on the one before, continuing this ongoing process of awakening to heart intelligence and compassion:

Neptune in Aries (1862-1875, 2025-2039)
This placement combines Neptune's imaginative, glamorous idealism, with Aries urge to initiate new beginnings with boldness and courage.

Aries begins all new cycles, and sows the seeds of ideas for future generations to follow. The Soul-centered purpose of Aries is to inspire others with Divine ideas. As this generation reached their 20's some Neptunian 'seed ideas' were being sown that would grow throughout the next 165 years: electricity was being introduced as a source of illumination in new homes; the first motion pictures were created from still images, connecting humanity in a way never done before by creating the illusion that we now know as 'movies'; and the emergence of the first automobiles opened up worlds of connection by allowing the masses to travel further distances through which we began understanding cultures different from our own.

There were also widespread calls for social reform to improve the health and well-being of the poor: with the introduction of widespread strategies for heath, welfare and education. These are some early indications of a more 'humane' heart-centered humanity that was emerging.

Neptune in Taurus (1875-1888, 2039-2052)
This placement combines Neptune's illusory nature with Taurus' desire for security, in particular financial security.

The Soul-centered purpose of Taurus is spiritual illumination through the release of personal desire and attachment. As this generation reached their 20's there had been a series of financial 'booms' and subsequent 'busts' in the stock market - early precursors of the major stock-market crash of 1929 which led to the great 1930's depression. During this earlier period bankers and investors (previously caught up in the glamor of boom and unbridled financial gain) were alerted to the rhythms of gain and loss, and began trying to put safeguards in place to protect themselves from future losses.

These are the early lessons of Neptune in Taurus: that our deepest sense of security cannot come from the illusory nature of money. The highest potential of this placement (which may be realized by the next Neptune in Taurus generation) is the opening of the third eye, spiritual illumination, and the realization that all is light. This is an excellent placement for a generation of enlightened human beings!

Neptune in Gemini (1888-1902, 2052-2065)
This placement combines Neptune's dreamy idealism with Gemini's talent for connection and disseminating information.

The Soul-centered purpose of Gemini is to teach right human relationship: to 'marry' the head-mind and the heart-mind. The challenge for this generation is one of delusion through misinformation. Note that Adolf Hitler had this placement and his generation was the first to use propaganda on a large scale: the intentional use of misinformation to spread fear and control the masses. The highest potential of this placement is deep communion through a real heart-centered connection with Divinity.

Neptune in Cancer - exaltation (1902-1916)
This placement combines Neptune's idealism with Cancer's urge for safety and security. Neptune is exalted in Cancer which means it's energy is at it's most potent.

This may not always be positive because it can lead to excess and extremism. The Soul-centered purpose of Cancer is to flow more compassion into the world. The challenge for this generation is not to succumb to illusory fears, which can become magnified. Cancer rules the Nursing profession and during this period the nursing professions were establishing ideal (Neptune) 'standards' for professional practice to ensure the safety (Cancer) and well-being of patients.

Neptune in Leo (1915-1929)
This placement combined Neptune's illusory nature with Leo's orientation to individuality and the search for Self.

The Soul-centered purpose of Leo is heart-centered leadership through becoming an individual expression if Divine Will. The challenge for this generation is self-delusion. By the time this generation reached their 20's tensions were building up to World War II as encroaching dictatorial regimes such as fascism and communism threatened to diminish the rights of the individual. This generation was catalyzed by world events into standing for their rights as individuals. This is a powerful placement for self-realization and self-illumination once we transcends our lower ego-challenges.

Neptune in Virgo - detriment (1929-1943)
This placement combines Neptune's idealism with Virgo's practical systems-oriented approach towards healthier ways of living and being.

The Soul-centered purpose of Virgo is to flow Divine Love into the world through one's work. Virgo is a sign of heart and mind. The challenge for this generation was in the illusion that physically-oriented health systems alone could succeed without a deeper energetic heart connection. By the time this generation were reaching their 20's science was coming into it's own as the 'savior' of humanity. Not only had antibiotics and vaccines been invented but they were being distributed to the masses by the introduction of new 'idealized' global systems of healthcare and the World Health Organization.

There is now a necessary disillusionment with systemic approaches to healthcare, but it cannot be forgotten that the changes introduced by this generation brought health and well-being to a new level, eradicated many diseases of the day, and reached people on a global scale never before seen in the world. These were important stepping-stones in our collective learning process that, combined with our disillusionment, have now become a catalyst fueling our current movement towards more holistic approaches to health.

Neptune in Libra (1943-1957)
This placement combines Neptune's dreamy idealism with Libra's desire for harmonious relationship.

It gave birth to the original hippy generation who just wanted peace and love, man, "Why can't we all just get along?" The Soul-centered purpose of Libra is to bring greater degrees of harmony and balance into the world through right relationship. The challenge for this generation has been not to get lost in a dreamy "Pollyanna" version of reality, deluding themselves that all is well.

Their necessary disillusionment with the world, and with idealized forms of relationship, has been a catalyst for many to enter the spiritual path, seeking deeper, more meaningful, spiritual connection. This is a powerful placement for true peace and harmony through deeper spiritual connection and right relationship with oneself.

Neptune in Scorpio (1956-1970)
This placement has Neptune's dreamy, illusory, call to escapism and fantasy combined with the Scorpionic desire for intensity in experience.

Not surprising then that this spawned a generation of 'addicts' on all levels: from television, movies, tobacco and alcohol to sex and drugs. The Soul-centered purpose of Scorpio is to transform darkness into light, and the Soul-centered purpose of this Neptune placement is to enter the darkness to really understand the magnetic pull of temptation from an experiential perspective.

This is a powerful placement for regeneration and healing, and this generation also has birthed many healers who support others through the experiential knowledge gained from wrestling their own demons and walking their own personal path of transformation and healing.

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984)
This placement combines Neptune's dreamy, fantasy-oriented, idealism with Sagittarius' search for freedom, truth and higher meaning.

The Soul-centered purpose of Sagittarius is to uplift humanity through the revelation of truth and wisdom. The challenge is that wisdom and beliefs are not the same thing. This generation can get caught in man-made ideals and mental concepts of 'truth' at the expense of deeper spiritual truth. They can also delude themselves that they are following 'truth' when in fact they are justifying their ego and their desire to do things their own way. This is a powerful placement for cultivating genuine heart-wisdom, and intelligence once this generation learns to distinguish real spiritual truth and experience from man-made beliefs and philosophies.

Neptune in Capricorn - fall (1984-1998)
This placement combines Neptune's dreamy, illusory-like, glamor with Capricorn's urge for right-use of resources.

The Soul-centered purpose of Capricorn is to create heaven on earth through right use of our individual and collective, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual resources. The highest capacity of Capricorn is to be an engineer of light - building structures of light on the etheric planes that will support the evolving consciousness of humanity. The challenge for this generation is to overcome the temptation to usurp collective resources for personal gain.

There is the danger of deluding themselves that they are acting for the greater good when indeed they are still being driven by the same ego-centered materialism as their forefathers, albeit in a new form. This is a powerful placement for creating the discipline and focus necessary to persevere with meditative spiritual practice and by doing so activate the true intelligence of the heart.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)
This placement combines Neptune's dreamy, fantasy-oriented, idealism with Aquarius' humanitarian ideals.

The Soul-centered purpose of Aquarius is to flow the dual waters of 'love and life' in ways that benefit humanity. The challenge is to overcome the power of the mind. Aquarius is a very 'mental' sign and the temptation for this generation will be to delude themselves that they are building an 'ideal' society based on mental concepts alone. This can lead to overly idealized futures where the individual is lost to the needs of the society.

This is where communism went wrong. Societies cannot be created by mental ideals alone, but depend on the open hearts of the individuals within. This is a powerful placement for heart opening, and learning to flow real spiritual energy through the heart, which will ultimately benefit humanity.

Neptune in Pisces - dignity (2012-2026)
This placement combines Neptune's illusory yet illuminating nature with Pisces sensitivity to human suffering and tendency towards compassion. Neptune is in dignity in Pisces where it's energies are powerful.

This is a generation that has the potential to realize fully awakened heart intelligence: access Universal Love (Divine, unconditional love and compassion) and flow it through the heart - inaugurating the sacred heart of humanity. The sacred heart of humanity is where all hearts beat as one, and the consciousness of the collective is embodied through the heart chakra of humanity.

The challenge will be to not get lost in all forms of escapism which disconnects them from their own hearts and those of their fellow human beings. We can already see the potential for this as this generation, who are only toddlers at present, are born into a world where 'social technology' reigns. This generation is likely to become disillusioned with the 'illusion' of connection through social media and seek a truer, more meaningful, heart-based connection which gives birth to compassion and Universal Love.

We can see that even though we might succumb to the illusions that Neptune can generate, at the end of any particular cycle of Neptune we are also catalyzed to rise above the delusion and move closer toward our heart intelligence.

Neptune in The Houses - This Time It's Personal

What makes Neptune personal and unique to you is the placement in your chart by house, by it's relationship to your personal planets, and by 'rulership'. For example if you have Pisces Rising or Pisces Sun (because Neptune rules Pisces) the condition of Neptune will take on a more personal note, and/or you have Cancer Rising, the placement and condition of Neptune becomes very important because Neptune is the Soul-Centered ruler of Cancer.

First a brief recap of the main points to bear in mind: 
  • Neptune is sometimes called the 'spiritualising pole': it spiritualises what it touches. 
  • Wherever Neptune is in your chart, that part of your life is being 'spiritualised' by awakening your innate heart intelligence. 
  • Neptune works in a three-step process of illusion - disillusion - illumination. 

That said, let's now see where in your life Neptune might be calling you to wake up to your heart intelligence!

Neptune in the First House
If you have Neptune in your first house you are being called to wake up to the spiritual reality of your own being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of self, believing yourself to be all the labels that others impose upon you. At some point in your life you will become disillusioned with this. You may question yourself, begin asking 'who am I?', and even question the very nature of existence. You may experience an existential crisis where you ask 'what is the point of it all?' Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you begin to experience and understand the deeper truths of your own reality, and your own existence as a spiritual being.

Neptune in the Second House
If you have Neptune in the second house you are waking up to your own sense of spiritual values, and to value of yourself as a spiritual being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of materialism. In other words the society tells you that your value or worth is based on how much you can earn or acquire, and/or how well you can provide for yourself and others. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may have been successful in generating wealth, and begin questioning the point, wondering what it's all about and what you are really working for, or you may have had other experiences which cause you to question and explore your own sense of self-worth. 

Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize that your prana, or life-force energy, is meant for something other than just working to earn money, but is there to support your spiritual growth. As a result of your spiritual experiences you begin recognizing your inherent value as a spiritual being.

Neptune in the Third House
If you have Neptune in the third house you are being awakened to the spiritual nature of your own mind.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of mental activity and learning. You may believe what you are taught at school, and view the world in an idealistic way. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you begin to see underneath conventional learning. You may experience disenchantment as you see how much of our thinking is 'programmed by mass media' communications. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize the real spiritual power of your own mind, which goes beyond any programming.

Neptune in the Fourth House
If you have Neptune in the fourth house you are being called to anchor yourself within your spiritual heart, as your true home.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of home and family. You may have ideas of how an ideal home and family ought to be. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you realize that real-life families are far from ideal and come with many problems and challenges. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize your spiritual home within, at your heart center, and as you move towards oneness and unconditional love, you realize that the whole world is your family.

Neptune in the Fifth House
If you have Neptune in the 5th house you are being awakened to your spiritual power as a creator being.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of your creative self. In exploring who you are and your own power, you may get caught in the trap of seeking yourself through fleeting sensory pleasures that can lead to addictions. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, once again questioning what is it all about. You realize through experience that chasing after sense-pleasures only leads to the desire for more (hence addiction) and any happiness that comes as a result, is fleeting and temporary. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize that what you are really searching for was within you all along. You begin to identify with your Soul rather than anything outside yourself, and realize that permanent lasting happiness comes from a deep Soul connection.

Neptune in the Sixth House
If you have Neptune in the sixth house you are being awakened to the sacredness of health and well-being as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of service. You may have been told that you have to deny yourself in order to be of service to others, and that meeting your own needs would be 'selfish'. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may experience burnout from many years of trying to give to others while denying your own needs, or you may experience co-dependency, or you may simply discover that however much you try, you cannot really help others: they need to find it within themselves to help themselves. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you realize that true service comes from a deeper connection within yourself, and that the best way to 'serve' others is by standing fully in your own spiritual power, which serves as an inspiration and encouragement for others to find their own self-empowerment.

Neptune in the Seventh House
If you have Neptune in the seventh house you are being awakened to the sacredness of right relationship as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of relationship. You may have been hooked on the idea of romance and/or finding your ideal partner. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this as you realize that the 'ideal' relationship that is portrayed through romantic novels and movies is actually a fantasy. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you recognize that the key to deep meaningful relationship and love is to have a deep, spiritual connection within yourself. Then you do not need others to fulfill you, and you are able to make a valuable contribution in relationship.

Neptune in the Eighth House
If you have Neptune in the eighth house you are being awakened to the sacredness of spiritual energy (including sexual energy) as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of sex and money, which is really the illusion of power. You may experience abuses of power in intimate relationships, and possibly deception around sex and/or shared resources (loans/debt/taxes etc.) At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this which causes you to look within for your own power. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your journey within leads you to the discovery of spiritual power and you are able to transmute the energy of desire into spiritual energy which you are able to focus for the higher good.

Neptune in the Ninth House
If you have Neptune in the ninth house you are being awakened to higher knowledge, sacred wisdom, and deep spiritual truth.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of knowledge. You may seek learning and/or education only to become disappointed as you realize it didn't have the deeper more meaningful answers that you were looking for. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this and begin looking elsewhere, deepening your search into spiritual traditions. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your spiritual path leads you to higher wisdom through your own experience and you begin to realize the deeper spiritual wisdom that lies beyond words and information systems.

Neptune in the Tenth House
If you have Neptune in the tenth house you are being awakened to the sacred path of discipleship and a spiritual path as a way of life.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of worldly success and ambition. You may have been told that the key to success was to climb the ladder, work hard, and secure your position in the world. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this. You may have worked very hard only to find it didn't bring the promised rewards, or you may have a successful position yet still feel empty inside because it didn't bring you fulfillment. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you discover the true path of discipleship. You realize through your experience that there is a deeper spiritual purpose, and that the deeper fulfillment you are looking for, can be found by applying yourself diligently to a spiritual path or tradition.

Neptune in the Eleventh House
If you have Neptune in the eleventh house you are being awakened to the sacredness of humanity and group service as a spiritual path.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusion of friends and group conformity. You may have humanitarian ideals that you share with groups of like-minded people, and work together to improve society. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, either because your shared ideals don't come to fruition, or you become disillusioned somehow with the group process. You may lose yourself in the group and begin wondering what it was all about. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where you deepen your own individual path and realize that the way to connect with the collective consciousness is to first have a deep connection within yourself. When you discover your true spiritual power as an individual you will have a deeper understanding of group service that goes beyond mental ideals.

Neptune in the Twelfth House
If you have Neptune in the twelfth house you are being awakened to the sacred nature of oneness, and the power of Universal Love flowing through your own heart-center.

Early in life you may get caught in the illusions of your own subconscious. You may have psychic experiences or meaningful dreams which open you up to exploring the subconscious realms. At some point in your life you may become disillusioned with this, either because you are afraid of your experiences, don't understand them, or feel that there is something more that you can't quite grasp. Eventually as you continue your process, you will begin experiencing illumination, where your consciousness becomes expanded and you have access to higher levels of consciousness beyond psychic impressions. Ultimately you may experience oneness and Universal Love.

Bliss is not the end result. It is merely a side-effect of illumination, 
as our body fills with light and prepares us for the next stage 
of our spiritual development: emptiness. 

We can see that throughout humanity, 
the conditions for human advancement into illumination and light 
are held in place by the activities of Neptune: 
the spaceholder for the illumination level of our development.

Optional Fieldwork for those wanting to go deeper:

  • Download and read Your Essential Guide to Soul Astrology (if you haven't read it for a while, read it again to refresh your memory). 
  • Get two notebooks. Use one for your study notes (what you are learning about astrology); and use the other as a reflective journal where you write your deeper insights, self-observations and realisations about YOU that arise from your study, observations of your zodiac signs, and meditation.
  • Deeper Self-observation. Take out your own horoscope (natal chart) and make a note in your journal of the sign and house position of Neptune. Then read the descriptions above and make a note of any ideas and insights that come to you. Meditate on how Neptune might be showing up in your life. Record your impressions and insights in your reflective journal. 
  • Further Study: "Soul Centered Astrology: A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken, refer to the appropriate section for more information on Neptune. Read about Neptune in Chapter 5 of Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS> You can read about this month's sign Libra and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology - and watch the video of "Libra Rising The Libra Soul" HERE

If you enjoyed this newsletter, you'll love these...
by Ruth Hadikin

Author and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin reads about each Soul Sign and gives additional commentary. 

 Watch the trailer HERE

Soul Astrology
How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you...

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, Kobo and Nook...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology

This e-mail series is also available as a book, in paperback or Kindle. 

Sometimes when you are studying a complex topic like Soul Astrology,  it can be very useful to have all the information in one place for reference. For this reason I have included an index at the back of the paperback version so it is easier to look up specific topics. 

Some people prefer to read a book in their own time rather than waiting for monthly instalments through the newsletter. If this is you then you may like to get the complete series now, in paperback or Kindle.

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology will not only deepen your knowledge of how astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...
Your SOUL SIGN - Kindle Shorts
by Ruth Hadikin

Unveil the mystery of your Soul with this powerfully liberating guide to your own Soul Sign, based on the teachings of the Tibetan master.

This series of Kindle short reads has one for each Soul Sign. The section on your Soul Sign is adapted from Chapter Three of Soul Astrology. If you've read Soul Astrology the Soul Sign description will be the same, however the following sections will be new to you:
• Personality and Soul
• Soul Recognition
• Personality and Soul Expressions of your Soul Sign
• Your Unique Soul Meditation

IMPORTANT: This Kindle short read is an excerpt from the book Soul Astrology and is presented here as an introduction for beginners - if you are already familiar with your soul sign and/or have read Soul Astrology this short extract will be repetitious for you.

That said, even if you have read Soul Astrology, you might still find this handy Kindle short read to be a useful reference guide - especially your unique Soul Sign meditation!

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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