Subject: The Astrology of Silence

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 4th 2016
Hi Friend,

Recent scientific studies are showing how silence is essential for your brain's health. A number of different scientific studies are showing that not only are periods of silence excellent for reducing your stress levels, but also that during periods of silence your brain is actually re-setting and regenerating itself!

So what does this mean for Soul Astrology?

If you've been reading my newsletters from the beginning you'll know of my fascination for the Kalachakra Masters. In this ancient school of Tibetan Buddhism (and some scholars say the Kalachakra system pre-dates the arrival of buddhism in Tibet) there is a tradition of studying astrology in silent retreat.

It is said that the Kalachakra Masters would go into a dark cave and in meditation be able to see the Universe through their clear vision alone, without the need for charts, tables and/or an ephemeris!

Whereas Western Astrologers rely on data tables and ephemerides
(and now computer software) to calculate planetary positions, the Kalachakra Masters relied upon their clear vision and an ability to perceive the Universe directly as it actually is.

Western science would doubt that such perception is even possible.
It is natural for us to doubt the validity of such capacity, until we have experienced it ourselves. It's as though we are walking around blindfolded. If I took you into a room blindfolded, and described a beautiful mural painted on the wall, you would have no way of knowing whether it was actually there or not. You could rely on data provided by someone else (that would be me telling you it was there - the equivalent of an ephemeris), but otherwise how could you know for sure? For yourself? You could leave that room and never really know for certain whether there was a mural there, or not.

Now imagine taking the blindfold off and seeing all the beautiful colors and scenery of the mural for yourself.
Once your blindfold is off, no-one can tell you the mural doesn't exist, because now you have seen it with your own eyes.

Our brain-wiring is a bit like that blindfold. We are conditioned to see only what we expect to see and most of us lack the capacity to perceive subtle energy.
One of the reasons that the Kalachakra Masters were able to perceive the Universe directly, is because they practiced techniques, perfected over as many as 60 years or more, that allowed them to go beyond their own individual brain wiring and enter the clear light mind beyond, which is Universal Consciousness.

One of the basic practices that they would begin with, is sitting in silence.
They knew the power of silence for calming the mind and allowing clear perception. Now science is demonstrating how your brain actually re-wires itself in silence, which allows you to start perceiving subtle energies.

What do we mean by silence?

Well we don't just mean just turning off your phone, music and/or TV, and sitting in a quiet room - although that is a beginning.
It means actually being quiet inside too. Allowing all your thoughts to rise and drop away into the silence, without engaging any of them, so that your attention stays with the background of silence itself, rather than on the content that is arising. Gradually your brain stops generating content, and you begin to enter clear light mind. (Don't worry - when your brain stops generating content it doesn't mean you're 'brain-dead' or 'stupid', it simply means your brain is at rest and you are able to choose when to think and when not to)!

In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master DK said that all astrologers of the future would be intuitive.
This is what we mean by intuition - the ability to perceive energy directly or, as Master Astrologer Alan Oken says, "Intuition is our ability to perceive the quality of energy". The practice of sitting in silence every day is essential for astrologers of the future - to allow our brains to re-set, and our intuitive capacity to come to the forefront!

On a recent Quantum Alchemy Broadcast, my intuition mentor Anya Sophia Mann gives some excellent practical techniques for connecting to your inner silence, and sitting in silence each day.
I highly recommend you grab your tea or coffee, and take some time out to listen to this valuable free broadcast, "Science Proves Silence is Golden" (64 minutes). There are also links to an article that cites many of the scientific studies on silence. [If you're new to the Quantum Alchemy Broadcasts you'll be prompted to register - it only takes a moment and it's definitely worth it!] This is one recording that I recommend you listen to over and over again, and put the techniques into practice so they work for you.

Giving yourself the gift of silence could literally open up worlds for you, and deepen your understanding of Soul Astrology!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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