Subject: Special Readers Offer - 40% discount on Soul Astrology Readings

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 1st 2015
Celebrating Essential Soul Astrology Week!

Hi Friend,

Part 2 of the Saturn-Neptune article will be out next Wednesday as usual, but first I wanted to let you know about this very special offer - this is the one some of you have been waiting for!

I have been asked many times if I ever offer discounts on personal Soul Astrology readings and my answer is usually no because of the investment of time needed to analyze your chart. If you're not familiar with the process of astrological analysis you have no idea how many hours have gone into studying your chart with care and attention to detail, before we meet on the phone for your personal reading.

However, I know you LOVE Soul Astrology as much as I do, so I've been giving some thought as to how I might do something special for regular readers. Here's what I came up with...

30-minute Personal Consultations

On two days this month - Tuesday July 14th and Thursday July 16th -
I'm offering personal Skype or telephone consultations of 30 minutes each.

I'm calling it "Essential Soul Astrology Week" - because you get to focus deeply on the essentials of your personal Soul Astrology!

Limited Availability - Only TEN spaces

The only way I can make this happen is by limiting the number of consultations ... so for both days I have cleared my schedule and will be offering just
 TEN personal readings.

What's covered in A Personal Consultation?

We have 30 minutes together, over the phone or Skype, and you have 2 options:

I will read your birth chart and present an overview of your personal Soul Astrology - describing the essence of your Soul Sign and how it is uniquely focalized through the 'sacred prism' of your Sun, Moon and Earth signs...  OR

Use our time together to ask ONE specific question relating to your Soul Astrology.

IMPORTANT - If you choose option 2  send your question immediately on booking so that I can take it into account in my initial analysis of your chart.

Includes MP3 Recording

Your consultation is recorded on mp3 for you to keep. As soon as it's ready I send you a link where you can download your recording.

Massive 40% Discount

To make it extra special for regular readers (and because there are only ten spaces) as a one-time offer I'm able to give a 40% discount on my usual rate.

My usual fee for a 30-minute follow-up consultation is $135 US dollars (£90 GB pounds) - these special readings are available now for:

Only $81USD  (£54 GBP)

How to qualify for this offer...

30 minutes really isn't long enough for someone who has no knowledge of Soul Astrology at all - some background is essential otherwise your 30 minutes would be used up in explanations! Which is why I usually restrict follow-up consultations to those who have already had a Soul Astrology consultation, but now I think you maybe know enough from reading this newsletter!  So...

To qualify for this offer you need to meet these 3 criteria:

1) You have previously purchased a personal Soul Astrology report or reading
You have read my eBook "Your Essential Guide To Soul Astrology"
(free with this newsletter)

2) You are available for one of the scheduled time slots on July 14th and 16th

3) You are able to send your full birth details immediately upon booking:
date, time AND location (so I can prepare your chart and begin your analysis)

How to check availability and reserve your slot

If you meet the above criteria, click the button below where you'll see the time slots available. You'll be able to reserve your slot and make your payment. Do this as soon as possible before your chosen slot has gone, and so that I have your details in good time to prepare for your consultation!

Once your booking has been confirmed send your birth details right away and I will send you the number to call.

This is a one-off offer and won't be repeated.

If you are interested don't delay - ACT NOW - there are only 10 spots available!

I look forward to meeting you, and sharing some deeper insights into your personal Soul Astrology.

With very best wishes,


Click the button below now to check availability and reserve your slot:
(time slots are displayed in your local time zone)
30-minute Special - Personal Soul Astrology Consultation*
ONLY $81 ($135 value)

All payments are in US dollars and are processed through PayPal.
If you normally use a different currency you can still book a slot and PayPal will do the currency conversion for you.

Only available to readers - you won't find this offer on my website.

*due to limited time it is not feasible to cover transits and progressions in this session. For transit readings please book a full hour here.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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