Subject: See Yourself In A New Light

Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 29th 2013
Hi Friend,

One of the many things I love about Soul Astrology, is the ability to see ourselves in a new light, a higher light. Sometimes, when our everyday lives and challenges feel like a struggle, it helps to understand that everything is happening for a reason, and that reason is the development of our soul.

Soul Astrology has it's roots in
Esoteric Astrology and the work of Alice Bailey. The word esoteric derives from the ancient Greek word esotero meaning "more within", so we can think of Soul Astrology as the astrology of our inner journey.

When we look at our
mandala (our birth chart!) from the perspective of our inner journey and our Soul path, it really can shed new light on our lives. In a recent article I outlined the Soul purpose of the 12 Zodiac signs.

While the Ascendant tells us our Soul's purpose, the rest of the chart shows us the conditions that exist to support that. From the ego's point of view there will be challenges, from the Soul perspective it is absolutely perfect, and precisely what we need.

For example, this week I was speaking with a client who felt bad about having Mercury in Taurus. She had Sun in Gemini and felt that Mercury in Taurus was 'dulling' her mental ability. You can see where she might get this impression from reading much of what is written 'out there' on the exoteric meaning of Taurus. However
looking at her chart from a Soul Astrology perspective, places everything in a new light.

She is a Scorpio Soul: here to transform darkness into light, and to do that she needs to go deep on her own inner spiritual journey. Esoterically Mercury is associated with building the antahkarana, the 'rainbow' bridge from lower to higher mind, while Taurus is associated with the opening of the third eye and spiritual illumination.

From a higher perspective, she was able to see how perhaps her Soul had chosen the perfect time for her birth. Mercury in Taurus provided the perfect conditions that would allow her to illuminate her inner world and higher mind, for the higher purpose of transforming darkness into light. Her Gemini Sun then allows her to experience the interplay of light in all areas of her life!

What is very challenging to our ego, can be very good for our Soul. Our daily challenges don't immediately disappear overnight because we see them in a higher light, but at least
if we are certain that everything is happening for a reason we can embrace our challenges with courage, energy and confidence! If you want to understand  the higher reasons for why you are here, you can begin by looking at your own Soul Astrology.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.