Subject: Saturn-Neptune Square: Are You Ready For Your Authentic Light?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
July 1st 2015
Hi Friend,

Following the recent series of Uranus-Pluto squares, one of the next big challenging astrological events is the Saturn-Neptune square, which we briefly experienced between November 2014 and May this year, and which makes contact again from September 17/18th 2015 to November 25/26th 2016 (with the ‘final’ contact in the series  between July and August 2017).
A square is considered to be a challenging aspect: an area of tension that causes us to take some kind of action in order to resolve the discomfort. The kind of action we take depends upon whether we are acting from conscious awareness or from unconscious reacting. When a square is involved we certainly feel the discomfort. If we are on the ‘conscious awareness’ side of the fence we can use the tension and subsequent action as a catalyst for growth. If we are on the ‘unconscious reacting’ side of the fence we can get ourselves into hot water and maybe feel as though the Universe is conspiring against us (it isn’t). Ultimately every time we experience challenging aspects like this they are opportunities for further awakening and the evolution of consciousness.

How we experience the tension of a square depends upon the nature of the planets involved, and which areas of our personal lives the square touches (which houses in our natal chart are involved and which, if any, natal planets are in aspect to the square).
While squares are always challenging, the potential for growth is often easier to see when the planets themselves have an easy relationship, in other words we might say they ‘like’ one another! Like The Sun and Jupiter for example, the tension in a Sun-Jupiter square might be more along the lines of ‘too much of a good thing’, or ‘burning ourselves out’. When the planets involved don’t get along anyway, there is a different story entirely. And this is the case with Saturn and Neptune.

Saturn and Neptune traditionally do NOT make ‘fine bedfellows’ in astrology!
Saturn is all about limits. Boundaries. What is realistic. Method. What can we feasibly achieve with our given resources, within a given time. Neptune is vast, unbounded. The Ocean. Flowing freely. Uncontained. Timeless. Beyond all limitation.

When we consider a Saturn-Neptune square from this perspective one wonders how it is possible to put the ocean in a box?

We either preserve the integrity of the box, in which case we may have some stagnant water but we have nothing like the active, living, breathing, vital, life-giving ocean.
Or we preserve the integrity of the ocean, which washes away and/or destroys the box. Neither option sounds appealing, which brings us to a third option… we can shift our perspective. We can accept the invitation that Saturn-Neptune offers to quantum-leap our consciousness. This means looking to the higher vibration, the deeper spiritual meaning of these planets, and finding those qualities within ourselves.

Esoterically the highest octave of Neptune is illumination.
Through a three-step process (which I wrote about in more detail in an earlier newsletter) of illusion- disillusion- and illumination Neptune spiritualizes what it touches (even Saturn). So in this configuration we can think of Neptune as illumination, or our highest light.

Traditionally Saturn is the embodiment of limitation. This present lifetime is finite. The image of “Father Time” is Saturn personified. We are on a cycle that will end.
Another Saturnian personification is the “Grim Reaper”. Before Pluto was discovered Saturn was traditionally the planet of death, symbolizing the end of a cycle. Time running out. Saturn reminds us of what is realistic to expect, and to achieve. Causing us to ask again and again, "what is really, real?"

Saturn is the ultimate reality check. It might be difficult to see how this fits with the spiritualizing essence of Neptune, and this is where we now need to leap our consciousness.
Fortunately between December 2015 and January 2018, there are also long periods where Uranus, the planet of intuition and awakening, is making a very positive connection to Saturn by trine, so this should assist us in intuiting the highest essence of Saturn.

It is only by deeply seeing and knowing that which is real, that we can understand our true nature as spiritual beings.
Saturn also rules the path of discipleship and spiritual growth. Countries such as Tibet, Nepal, and India where a strong focus is placed on correct discipline to attain enlightenment  are said to be ruled by Saturn. Melanie Reinhart proposes ‘authenticity’ as a higher vibration keyword for Saturn, and that is the key to understanding the highest potential of this Saturn-Neptune square.

Hearing the call to authentic light

Saturn is calling us to be ever more deeply authentic, while Neptune is calling us to our highest light, so in this Saturn-Neptune square we have a catalyst that can potentially catapult us to our highest authentic light.
Our REAL light.

Saturn is also in Sagittarius. In an earlier newsletter we also mentioned how Saturn rules the structure of mind, while the highest octave of Sagittarius uplifts humanity through the revelation of truth and wisdom.
So there is a powerful force here for changing the structure of our minds, beyond our previous limitations, and shifting our attention towards the light! Neptune is also in dignity in Pisces, the sign of Universal Love so, when we get beyond the fantasy, glamor, illusion and delusion, we will discover the truth of unity consciousness, as Higher Love. There is no better planet than Saturn for helping us to see what is real, and what is illusory, and Love IS real!

- Kalu Rinpoche

Remember though, that this IS a square. Even though there is great potential for growth it won’t be an easy ride and it won’t feel like all is love and light, as everything that is unreal and illusory will be challenged. A square brings us tension, challenge, and it means we must act in order to turn it to our advantage. We all need to be surfing now so we don’t get swept away by an ocean of illusion and glamor! Conscious awareness is the key. If we remain in unconscious reacting we could find ourselves stifled, limited, caught up in illusion and tossed around on the high seas.

Saturn calls on us to be prepared. In this case we prepare by strengthening our self-discipline. No, this doesn’t mean you can’t have another cookie, what it means is to stay focused on your spiritual growth. Remember you already had a taste of this square between last November and May this year. reflect on that time and what it brought up in you. Where did you feel constricted? Where did you feel more spiritual?

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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