Subject: New Beginnings: Spring Equinox and New Moon

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 18th 2015
Hi Friend,

This Friday (or Saturday depending upon where you are in the world) is a big day energetically!

We have the New Moon in the last degree of Pisces, and a total Solar Eclipse followed just a few hours later by the Spring Equinox as the Sun moves into Aries marking the beginning of the astrological year. A busy time indeed!
When we consider this particular cuspal period between Pisces and Aries it's all to easy to forget the cyclical nature of life. Especially if we think linearly: Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac and Pisces is the end, so they are miles apart. Or are they?

Astrology is all about cycles: cycles of life, cycles in nature, cycles of time. Repeating energetic patterns that come round again and again,
similar, yet different.

When considering Pisces and Aries we have the classic chicken and egg conundrum: which came first? Pisces symbolizes spirit: oceanic consciousness, the Divinity from which all arises. Aries is symbolic of 'initiating': seeding something, starting something new. The 'spark' of light that emanates from the Divine to begin a new incarnation.

They are very closely related. If Pisces represents the unbounded nature of all potential and possibility, then what we have in Aries is a 'seed' of manifestation: the first movement from Divine potential toward 'becoming' something in manifestation. Aries is drop of potential emerging from the ocean of possibility.

Aries is associated with the mind, ideas, inspiration and, esoterically, has been described as a 'point of light in the mind of God'. So when we say 'seed', where Aries is concerned that seed is taking the form of an idea, or a thought that has the potential to initiate a course of action, that could become something in manifestation (whether that seed is practically viable is a test that will happen in Taurus). That seed has arisen from somewhere, it didn't just pop up out of no-where, it is directly associated with Pisces and the completion of the preceding cycle.

This theme of completion, regeneration and re-seeding is what we have in this situation with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse and the Spring Equinox. The New Moon itself indicates the beginning of a cycle, being as it is in Pisces there is a spiritual overtone to it and a connection to 'completion' (Pisces completes the Zodiac cycle). We might think of the beginning of the completion!

Eclipses have a regenerative quality to them, particularly Solar Eclipses which are more vital (the Sun symbolizes our health and vitality, our life-force energy). So around an eclipse we can often experience a sense of loss, that something is ending, only to be re-born in a different form. The Sun appears to 'die' as it disappears behind the Moon, only to be 'reborn' again into the light a few minutes later. In ancient times there was great fear around eclipses as the Sun was swallowed up and people weren't sure if it actually would reappear!

We might also feel tired, drained and/or lacking in energy around a Solar Eclipse - as our life-force energy is 'eclipsed'. If you experience this, take it easy, nurture yourself, and make sure you get enough sleep and rest so that your physical body can replenish and 'regenerate'.

The Vernal Equinox is the astrological point of 0º Aries when the Sun enters Aries and marks the beginning of the Zodiac year, and the changing of the seasons: the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and the first day of autumn in the southern hemisphere. The equinox is also a time of balance and harmony when day and night are of equal length.

So we have a very potent time this Friday/Saturday where we have the beginning of a Moon cycle, the beginning of a Season, the beginning of a Zodiac sign, and indeed the beginning of the Zodiac year. Added to that we have the 'death/rebirth' energy of a Solar Eclipse.

It is important to be very aware of your thoughts and ideas at this time as you focus on what themes you will be generating and/or regenerating in your life over the coming months and year. It is a very good time to meditate on what 'seeds' you will be planting in your life from this point forward.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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