Subject: Living Soul Astrology course - donation option


Hi Friend

Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in the Living Soul Astrology online course.

Many of you would love to participate but are either on a low income or are temporarily going through a tough period financially. Such are these challenging times we live in...

Donation Option

If you would love to participate but finances are stretched at this time I invite you to join us on a donation basis.

To pay by donation, first check out the instalment rates here:

Then, using the rates shown as a guide, decide what would be a comfortable fee that you could pay - choose an amount that honors the depth of content in the course, yet doesn't place you in any financial difficulty.

Once you have decided how much you wish to pay, you can pay a one-time fixed amount or set up a weekly or monthly donation on this page:

Once we have received your donation we will set up your student account and send you the login details.

This option is only for readers of my newsletter who are currently experiencing financial challenges. We don't have any scholarship funds so if you can afford the full fees that would be greatly appreciated, to reflect all the hard work that has gone into creating this course.

Enjoy your ongoing journey with Soul Astrology,

With very best wishes,


About Ruth

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.