Subject: Life's Greatest Adventure Newsletter

Life's Greatest Adventure!
November 21st 2012.
Hi Friend,

It's been a busy week again, but it's never too busy for self-exploration when you cultivate mindfulness, in other words: the art of exquisite self-observation as you go through your day interacting with the people, events and the world around you. This week I've really been noticing how 'conditioned' we are.

I felt quite disconcerted watching UK hypnotist Derren Brown - I'll be exploring this more in this week's blog so look out for that in your inbox on Friday. The TV show illustrates the depth of the 'conditioning' that we call our everyday life, but it doesn't show us life beyond our conditioning (what spiritual teachers call 'liberation'). So here's a link to a beautiful video from Mooji that I also came across this week. When I watch this my everyday mind takes a break, and I can feel the beauty and love inside. Enjoy!

It's only been a week since I published my new eBook "So You Think You Can't Meditate? A Beginners Guide To Meditation" Even though you got a copy as a welcome gift to this newsletter, I know I don't like being forced to join mailing lists just to get something for free. So
tell your friends that they can just buy a copy here.

On the subject of meditation, this week I also came across this chocolate meditation. Yes, you heard that right! Anything can become a meditation if we stay fully present and observe ourselves in it. I'd love to hear your experiences of this!

If you love self-exploration you might also enjoy the 'emotional intelligence and consciousness' special interest group which I co-host with US intuitive coach Anya Sophia Mann. Each month we get together on a free teleconference to discuss 'life, the universe and everything' from the viewpoint of observing ourselves in  it - although we do give a little factual information to when needed for things to 'make sense'. It's a great place for self-explorers to hang out!

So that's all for now. Be in touch and share your experiences of this great adventure that we're on. I'd love to hear from you.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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