Subject: Libra Season - Polarisation or Harmony?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
October 2017
Hi Friend,

Below are some thoughts about Libra Season and why this is a good time to  observe the inner workings of our own minds, so we can see whether we are creating increased polarisation or greater harmony in the world.

You can also read more about Libra in my book Soul Astrology -  and watch the video "Libra Rising: The Libra Soul" on YouTube - enjoy! 
Libra Season - Polarisation or Harmony?

As we move through Libra season this is the perfect time to observe the dynamics between separation, analysis, balance, and harmony. Having just passed through Virgo Season we may have noticed our tendency to dissect, separate, and analyse our experience. Separation causes sensory overload, stress, overwhelm and, eventually, sickness. Libra teaches us the lessons of unity through harmonisation, but first we need to recognise the dynamics of separation and polarisation. If we came through Virgo season in analysis (and didn't reach the higher synthesis of Virgo), we will run headlong into Libra Season with an increased tendency to polarise.

At the personality level Libra increases polarisation. Have you ever wondered why Libra is the sign most associated with relationship? Because at personality level Libra experiences the world in terms of self and other: this and that, us and them, him and her, male and female, you ... and me. Libra has an innate curiosity about, and attraction to, the relationships between all things. How does this, relate to that? How do you, relate to me? What is the connection? 

The path of Libra leads to wholeness, unity consciousness, and ultimately personality-Soul fusion, through a process of harmonisation. As we move into Libra season the challenge for us all is how to move from polarisation and separation to harmony and oneness. In previous articles you may have heard me use the analogy of music. This is important to remember when we are talking about Libra and the process through which harmony happens. What is the difference between music, and random noise? Right relationship. 

It is the relationship between individual notes, that determines whether something is a beautiful piece of music or just an irritating noise. Why irritating? Because innately we are attuned to seek harmony. We have an innate tendency to gravitate towards that which is beautiful and harmonious. This is part of our process of shifting up the vibrational scale and closer to our Soul vibration. As we progress farther along the path of personality-Soul fusion we become increasingly sensitive to that which is in 'right relationship'. When individual notes are in right relationship to one another, we perceive beautiful music. When they are not, we experience random noise.

"All sounds are mantras" 
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Somewhat ironically, as we move toward a greater experience of ourselves as unity consciousness, there is naturally more harmony and less 'noise'. As we move into oneness, there is only harmony, and all sounds become beautiful mantras. This happens when polarisation diminishes, and we stop dividing our experience into separate 'things'. At personality level we have a tendency to divide and separate, and then to grasp onto those apparently separate 'things' as though they were solid and real (This is mine, that is yours, etc.). This causes much of our stress and most of our problems. You can see this for yourself by observing your mind and your energy closely as you go through your day. 

The next time you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed is the perfect opportunity to notice where you are operating in separation. Notice how your mind tries to grasp onto separate things, and how stressful this can be. For example, you might be meditating one morning and you're aware of the birds singing. After some time you notice that the sound of the traffic on the highway in the distance is getting louder as the day gets busier. Then you might notice some noise from construction work starts. Drills. heavy machinery. A large crane operating. A truck's reversing signal. Then you might hear a phone ringing nearby. Maybe an airplane passes overhead. One by one, each sound gets layered on top of another, and the noise builds. Your neighbour turns on the TV loudly. At the same time some teenagers pull up in a car with the windows down and their music is also really loud. A motorcycle pulls up alongside with the rider revving the engine loudly. Now you are bombarded with noise and feeling stressed. 

Contrast that with listening to an orchestra. As the instruments create layers of sound, you don't continue to experience each instrument separately. You're not continuously thinking, "okay now they're playing violins ... oh! now they're playing drums ... now they're playing a tuba and a cello and a clarinet and ... oh my! Now its all getting too loud". You might be aware of each instrument as it joins the symphony, but your mind experiences the music as one whole unit. You might think that the orchestra is playing in harmony (thereby giving them credit for your experience), whereas it is actually your mind that is harmonising the experience, by allowing each individual sound to blend into the whole as it arises. 

In your daily life you don't allow this same harmonising to happen. Your mind tries to grasp onto separate things, pulling some towards you while pushing others away. And the more separate 'things' that appear, the more stressful and difficult this becomes. In the Tibetan tradition, life is described as a constantly changing richness of dancing activity. If you can rest in awareness of the constantly changing activity, without trying to grasp onto individual experiences and make them permanent, then you are moving towards the deeper process of harmonisation that leads to the higher peace of Libra.

"When your mind is narrow, small things agitate you very easily. 
Make your mind an ocean" 
- Lama Thubten Yeshe 

Libra Season invites you to move towards personality-Soul fusion by expanding into all-embracing unity consciousness until your mind becomes harmonious. Then each individual experience simply becomes another note in the beautiful symphony of your life.

That's all for now! See you next time and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS You can read more about the Soul's journey through Libra in my book "Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose" You can also watch the video "Libra Rising: The Libra Soul" on YouTube.
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, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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