Subject: Let's uncover your inner treasure Friend! 💎 🥰


Hi Friend

Just in case you didn't see my earlier email, registration for the Living Soul Astrology online course is now OPEN with a very special offer to celebrate launch month!

There's never been a better time to go deeper in your journey with Soul Astrology and uncover your hidden inner treasure (your own natural wisdom) 😃

In addition to a special launch price, there are three payment options available to make the course accessible to all.

REGISTER NOW and you get lifetime access for a single fee - once your payment (or instalment plan) is complete, it really IS complete - there are no annual fees:

Special Launch Offer!

REGISTER by July 31st 2024 and

SAVE up to $400!

Get lifetime access for a one-time fee


Living Soul Astrology

Online Self-Paced Study Course

As we collectively shift from the head to the heart (the journey of evolving through intellect to intuition) it's time to move beyond astrological analysis and really start LIVING your Soul Astrology!

  • Find deeper meaning in your life experiences

  • Increase Soul Awareness

  • Follow the path of your Soul

  • Live Soul Astrology throughout your daily life

"At the heart of reality, is a hidden truth,

which is reflected within each of us, but unrealized.

To realize this truth takes courage, persistence and training.

It changes our world and ourselves,

eventually igniting the fire of vision,

love and creative power.

This truth is not an affair of the intellect,

but a living presence”

– Lama Rigdzin Shikpo

Who Is This Course For?


This course is for those who are committed to spiritual awakening and would love to understand Soul Astrology more deeply to support themselves in deepening their self awareness and insight into their inner journey,

... and believe that by sharing insights they are also supporting others who are on the path of awakening.

If this sounds like you... read on!

Discover YOUR Natural Inner Wisdom

Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom

The word ‘science’ comes from the latin word ‘scientia’, which means ‘knowing’. The science (and art) of Soul Astrology lies in knowing yourself more deeply.

Science is how you gain knowledge. In the context of Soul Astrology it means understanding the meaning of the zodiac signs, planets and houses from a Soul-Centered perspective – and then observing those energies in yourself, through self-awareness and self-observation.

Your experience includes practicing mindfulness and meditation throughout your everyday life so that you become more self-aware. Once you have more self-awareness you will naturally express more of your positive Soul-centered qualities, at the same time healing and eliminating the so-called negative expressions of your personality signs (which we sometimes call ‘ego’).

Wisdom arises naturally, in the truth of your experience, when met with openness and self-awareness.

“There is a wisdom within you

that is so much more resourceful and kind

than the smart ego”

– Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

What's Included:

  • 24 written lessons (with .pdf downloads)

  • 24 videos (class discussion and sharing)

  • 24 Soul Awareness Meditation videos

  • Bonus content and support material

  • Ongoing written discussion and Q&A for each class

  • A wealth of pointers / suggestions for further study!

  • Lifetime access* to all course content

  • Lifetime access* to our exclusive Student Community

  • Certificate of Completion

Study at your own pace in your own time!

"I highly recommend the “Living Soul Astrology” course that Ruth Hadikin teaches. She is an exceptional teacher and truly knows her subject. I have learned both the positive and the negative parts of myself that need to be worked on or elevated. It is truly the gift of Self-Awareness. This course has helped calm my busy mind and provided the sense of what direction to take for Spiritual clarity. Truly, a treasure of knowledge and I guarantee you will not be disappointed!"

- Lorie, K. USA

Through our written class discussions, Q&A's, and sharing in our Student Community I look forward to supporting you on your ongoing journey with Soul Astrology!

See you soon!

With very best wishes,


PS: Why not forward this email to a friend and invite them to register before the special launch offer ends?

*Full details of lifetime access are outlined in the Terms, which are available at registration.

Launch offer ends midnight UTC July 31st 2024.

About Ruth

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.