Subject: It's Playtime!

Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 22nd 2013
Hi Friend,

Yesterday the Sun entered Gemini marking the beginning of this year's Gemini season. Esoterically Gemini is associated with the interplay of light as well as the breath, speech and all forms of communication and communion. As we explore the deeper meaning of Gemini we are invited to consider the relationship between light and sound, not as a mental exercise, but through direct perception in our own meditative practice. It is no accident that in yoga, the practice of 'inner knowing', the breath is directly linked with the flow of prana (life force energy) - and is considered a vehicle to enlightenment.

This time of year is conducive to awakening our nervous system and higher sense perceptions to become more acutely aware of subtle energy. So we have a possibility of expanding our communion with our 'Higher Self'. The duality of Gemini can be seen in this very concept of a "Higher" and "lower" Self. Ironically it is in Gemini that duality is both created through mental concepts, and also resolved through higher perception.

Over the coming weeks I'll be saying more about the personality and Soul expressions of Gemini, but in the meantime
there are some previous posts on Life Coaching Magazine (LCM) which tell us more about this mysterious sign:

"Gemini-Sagittarius: The Sacred Marriage of Love and Wisdom" discusses the importance of balancing the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity to reach the higher octaves of both signs, while "Mercury, Venus and the Inner Journey of Gemini" discusses the ruling planets of Gemini from the perspective of the personality and the Soul.

If you don't have any personal planets in Gemini remember this time of year you are still interacting with the prevailing conditions and can access the benefits of Gemini energy to expand your mind and perception. You can also visit the Living Soul Astrology section of LCM where you will be able to find similar articles about the polarities of your own Soul Sign, and the personality and Soul rulers of that Sign.

This is an important time to stay grounded as the energy of Gemini works through the nervous system. Relaxation techniques are especially important now! On Saturday (May 25th) we have a Full Moon in Gemini with a Lunar Eclipse. This is the balance-point for Gemini season and is an important time to meditate on higher awareness and resolving duality to move to greater expressions of oneness.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.