Subject: Introducing my new book - and an invitation for you Friend

This weekend - win a FREE copy of my new book...
December 7th 2016
Hi Friend

I'm sooo excited to announce the launch of my new book "Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose" AND my good friend and mentor Anya Sophia Mann  is also launching her new book "Lightworker Undercover: your time is NOW".

To celebrate (and help to send them on their way) we're having a 24-hour online joint book launch through Facebook - and you're invited!

You can drop in from wherever you are (and because it's over a 24 hour period you should be able to find a time that suits you wherever you are in the world).

We'll be broadcasting live on Facebook (technology willing - we're still figuring it out!) and it would be awesome if you can find a few minutes to drop in, say hi, and share a cuppa with us.

There'll also be lots and lots of fun stuff!

You can ask questions about life, the universe, and everything! ... and get live answers in the moment.

We'll be having fun on-the-spot competitions where you'll get a chance to win books, astrology reports and more!


To join the fun go to our special book launch page on Facebook: 


Fri. Dec 9th and Sat. Dec 10th

For 24 hours:
Pacific           8:15am Fri - 8:15am Sat
Eastern:        11:15am Fri - 11:15am Sat
UK:                 4:15 pm Fri - 4:15pm Sat
Aus (AEDT):   3:15am Sat - 3:15am Sun

find your time zone here

Make sure you keep the book launch page open on FB for 24 hours and keep checking in - so you don't miss anything!

We look forward to seeing you there and having fun!

Join us - and let's get this party started!! 

With Best Wishes,


PS. Share this with all your friends - the more the merrier!!

PPS. You don't have to be a party animal - if you are total recluse with all your planets in Scorpio or Pisces I understand - I have Cancer Rising - you can win a book just by just typing in your answer - you won't have to do a song or dance :)
Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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