Subject: How your priorities in life will reveal your Soul's Purpose.

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
June 3rd 2015
Hi Friend,

Have you ever noticed where you put most of your attention in your life? Is it home, family, learning, relationships, self-discovery, personal advancement, business growth, something else? Whatever it is, your main motivation and where you place much of your attention is likely to be connected to your Rising Sign, and can be a vital clue to your Soul’s purpose for this lifetime!

This can be in contrast to your Sun which indicates your vitality, your life-force energy. You will most likely invest a lot of time and energy in the area of life indicated by the house where your Sun is, and express this energy in the manner according to your Sun sign - your ’style’. But your underlying motivation, your reason for doing whatever it is that you are doing, is very likely to be associated with your Rising Sign (ascendant) and that is where to look for deeper clues about your Soul purpose in this lifetime.

Case Study: Cancer Rising

This week we're going to look at a case study to see how this might work. This is a 57-year old man who has Cancer Rising, with his Sun & Moon in Aquarius (in the 10th house - work and career - conjoined his mid-heaven - public image).
He has always been a free spirit (that would be Aquarius). He was so independent the education ‘system’ couldn’t contain him and he left school as soon as he could to work for himself.

Aside from a few years where he worked in an organization (because his friends worked there) he has always largely worked for himself, and worked with his friends and neighbors.
With Sun in Aquarius he is highly individual, values his uniqueness (and everyone else’s) yet has a group orientation. Like many Aquarians he is an amazing networker who always 'knows someone who knows someone'. Whether you need a plumber, nurse, baker or accountant he will know someone!

As an entrepreneur he has owned many companies, but the one that has brought him most success is his own building company.
More specifically his business focuses on repairing and maintaining private homes, and these are largely people in his own home town and specifically within his own network. This network (where most of his business comes from) consists of his family, friends of family, and neighbors. His employees are also those same family, friends and neighbors! Now we see the influence of his Cancer Ascendant! Yes he runs his own business, but he runs his family-run business from home and the focus of his business is repairing, restoring, renovating and improving ‘homes’ for his ’extended family’.

One might think his main motivation in life would be his freedom and independence (Aquarius), yet this man is very firmly rooted in his family and home life, and has said on several occasions that ‘family’ is THE most important thing for him. Protecting and nurturing his home and family (Cancer) is his underlying motivation
Even deeper clues to his underlying motivation in life come when you speak to him. Sit for any length of time and you will see the conversation (his attention) is always on home, family and food! His hobby is cooking. He practically runs his business on auto-pilot while his focus of attention is what his family will eat tonight: what will he run into the grocery and buy (in-between overseeing his employees) to make for tonight's dinner? His employees (who are all family and friends anyway) are also likely to be invited for that dinner!

“Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans!”
- John Lennon

So you can see from this example that the ‘other plans’ you make might be more in accord with your Sun sign, while the ‘life that is happening’ through, in, around, and often in spite of, those plans, might be more to do with your Rising Sign.
Your daily work, your ‘official role’ may be more connected to your rising sign and your soul work. If we look at our example above, as a Cancer Soul this man has spent his whole life nurturing others by feeding them and maintaining their homes, while his Aquarius personality has done it in his own freedom-loving and independent way - his style!

Can you see the distinction between your own underlying motivation (and how it relates to your rising sign) and your 'style' where you invest your life-force energy (your Sun sign)?
I’d love to hear your experience!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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