Subject: Gemini and Virgo: Analysis, Synthesis and Non-duality.

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 11th 2015
Hi Friend,

You might have seen some of the YouTube videos that I created for Life Coaching Magazine. One that attracts quite a bit of discussion is "Gemini Rising: The Gemini Soul" as people either don't get how Venus can be a ruler of Gemini or how Gemini can resolve polarity when it is Virgo that is the sign of synthesis. So I felt it was worth exploring these themes so we can see what is actually going on!
Perhaps the most important thing to understand when looking at Soul and Esoteric astrology is that consciousness creates our reality*. This is perhaps the most difficult concept of all to grasp yet it is really quite simple if we look at it. We go through each day under the unquestioned assumption that the world is comprised of separate things: tea, coffee, trees, birds, cars, our friends, neighbors, family, you and me.

This is the world of our personality or lower consciousness. We assume and experience all these separate things to be 'true' and real. Yet the ancient spiritual teachings, and more recently quantum physics, tells us they are not separate things at all but rather one big dance of energy that 'appears' to us as separate things because of how our brain is wired.

Think about it. It is not possible for you to experience reality any other way than through your brain and your senses. You trust your own eyes, your own ears, your own senses, your own experience. So your reality is very much dependent upon what these senses are telling you. Now consider the fact that you don't ever see anything. Your eyes cannot see. They are organs that detect light impulses and then transmit them to your brain, where your brain creates an image. So everything you see, including reading this page, has been created in your brain!

We never get to 'see' reality as it is, we get to see our version of it, that has been created in our brain. There is no separate 'out there', there is only a projection of what is 'in here'. As we develop our consciousness, our awareness of the nature of reality deepens, and our perception changes. We shift from experiencing a reality filled with separate 'things' to a reality of wholeness, where experience is just one big dance of energy. We realize that there isn't even any 'out there' or 'in here', but everything is just here.

"There are no levels of reality, only levels of experience for the individual"
- Ramana Maharshi

This journey from separation to wholeness is woven throughout the esoteric teachings and reflected in our different perceptions of the Zodiac signs. From the level of the personality (the level of separation) Gemini is a sign of analysis and Virgo is a sign of synthesis. In order to analyze we need separate 'things' that we can take apart. In order to synthesize we need separate 'things' that we can put back together again. At the personality level Gemini is a sign of separation: duality and polarity.

At the Soul level it is Gemini's job to resolve duality and polarity. Esoterically it is said that Gemini is the only sign that is connected to all the other 11 signs. At the Soul level Gemini becomes a sign of connection, communion and non-duality. This is because esoterically Gemini is the interplay of light. The highest octave of Gemini relates to the quantum level where separate 'things' cannot be found but only one continuous interplay of light and energy.

As we have mentioned in earlier newsletters, in Esoteric Astrology the journey of personality-Soul fusion is symbolized by different planetary rulerships at personality and Soul level. At personality level Gemini is ruled by Mercury: the lower mind that takes apart, separates, and analyzes. At Soul level Gemini is ruled by Venus: the power of love that magnetizes, attracts and brings together. At the Soul level, under the rulership of Venus, Gemini knows that the interplay of light is a story of love in all it's myriad forms. At personality level Virgo is ruled by Mercury: where separate physical 'things' are seen that need to be put back together (healed). At Soul level Virgo is ruled by the Moon: which rules form and mass consciousness. So at Soul level Virgo is about the form of mass consciousness, how reality appears to us.

Once we make the perceptual shift to wholeness and non-duality within ourselves we experience reality differently. Our view becomes non-dual. There is no longer a perception of separate things, but rather a holographic view. Where the principles of the whole are found in each and every molecule, where a universe exists within a grain of sand, and all is one. At this level Gemini is a sign of non-duality and Virgo is a sign of wholeness.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*For a scientific perspective on this I highly recommend Dr. Amit Goswami's book "The Self-Aware Universe".
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Soul Path Astrologer Ruth Hadikin specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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