Subject: Finding Your Life Purpose in Your Astrology

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 6th 2015
Hi Friend,

Over the past couple of weeks we looked at karma in your chart. In those spiritual traditions with a concept of karma, there is also the concept of dharma which goes hand in hand with karma. Dharma in a sense is our life purpose. It is what we have come to do in the world.

The word dharma is a sanskrit word that originates in the Indian spiritual traditions such as Hinduism and Bhuddism. There is no single English word that correlates to dharma but it has been translated variously as “right living” and “cosmic law and order”. So we might think of dharma as living in accord with the natural rhythms and laws of the Universe.

Not everyone is born the be a great warrior, president or celebrity, but every single living being has a unique purpose according to the rhythms and laws of the Universe. You have your place in the grand scheme of things just as much as a president or an ant, a great soprano or a butterfly. In a bee hive, each bee has it’s own purpose: some are worker bees, some are warrior bees and then there is a queen.

Every living thing in existence is exactly where it is supposed to be, serving it’s purpose, and that includes you. So how do you know if are you a worker bee, a warrior or a queen?
Well we can look at your horoscope (your birth chart) for clues! Your horoscope is a symbol of your energy field and if we know where to look it can tell us a lot about the energy you were born with. While there isn’t exactly anything in your chart that says precisely ‘you are a plumber’, we can look at some of your predispositions, tools, and talents, and kind of figure it out from there!

Your Rising Sign
One of the first things we can look at is your Rising Sign because that is telling us about your Soul’s energy and, more importantly how it wants to flow into the world.
For example, if you have Leo Rising for example you are here to express Divine Will and purpose in the form of heart-centered leadership. But that’s pretty esoteric, how to we then take that statement and translate it into everyday life?

Your Sun and Moon
Look next to your Sun and Moon signs because they will tell you much about how that Soul energy is being channeled into the world.
Maybe your Sun is in Gemini so you may be a heart centered leader (Leo Rising) who uses your words and communication (Gemini) to convey your message. Maybe your Moon is in Libra, so in addition to having a primary ‘MO’ (modus operandi or ‘way of being’) of ‘using words and communication’, you also respond to others emotionally with tact, charm, diplomacy and a sense of fairness and justice (Libra).

Your Midheaven
You can also look to your midheaven (MC) to tell you something about your public, or outer image: how others see you and how you like to be seen (or not) out in the world.
With Leo Rising you may have Aries on the midheaven, which means you may be an innovative, bold, courageous leader who takes inspired action in the world. Equally you could have Taurus on the MC which means you would take a more considered approach and may want to be seen as more conventional yet patient, and hard-working.

There are some traditional houses to look at too. Conventionally the 10th house is the house of ‘career’ but this isn’t always the case. It is more accurate to call the 10th house the house of vocation or, since that’s what we’re talking about today, let’s call it the house of dharma!

The 10th and 6th Houses
Esoterically the 10th house is associated with our masters and guides, and our spiritual lineage.
So it is saying a lot about where you are in terms of your spiritual development and what you are bringing to the planet in this existence.

If you are really living in alignment with your soul, and doing work that you truly love, knowing it is what you are here to bring to the world, then yes, the 10th house will reflect your ‘career’.

However if you are in a ‘career’ because your parents thought it was a good idea, or you’re just working to pay the bills but you really feel that you were here to bring something else to the planet, then your ‘work’ will show up in the 6th house, while your true vocation, your dharma, will be reflected in the 10th.

For example if you have Cancer on the 6th house cusp, you could be working to pay your bills in a retail store.
You may excel at sales because you really understand people’s needs (Cancer), but you may be working your way through college to graduate as a psychologist because with Scorpio on the 10th house cusp you know deep inside that your real ‘life’s work’ is to support people’s inner transformation and healing in a much deeper way than retail allows you to do.

Your Lunar North Node
You could also take a look at the lunar Nodal Axis, which tells you something about your role in the society into which you were born.
In particular the lunar North Node is pointing to a path which may be unfamiliar to you, but if you follow it, it can support you in your Soul’s growth, and fulfill your role in society.

If you are uncertain about your life purpose, here are the basic starting points:
  1. Your Rising Sign is telling you what energy your Soul has come to embody and express into the world in this lifetime
  2. Look at the condition of your Sun and Moon, which signs they are in, which houses they are in, and which planets they have aspects to.
  3. Look at the condition of your 10th and 6th houses: which signs are on the cusp, and if any planets are there.
  4. Look at the condition of your Midheaven: which sign is there, and any planets that are there.
  5. Look at the lunar Nodal Axis: in particular your lunar North Node.

Put it all together and (while it won't say 'you're a plumber') it will give you a very good sense of what you came here to do, and how you will do it!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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