Subject: Do You Love Money?

Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 18th 2013
Hi Friend,

Do you love money? Really, I'm being serious! This week an important astrological shift happens whereby the Sun, Venus and Mars all move into Taurus. In a nutshell, it is an important time to re-evaluate what we value in life and what is worthy of our time, attention and energy. Whatever we choose to invest our time and energy in, what we give our attention to, we actually give our life-force energy to, and that (in our current society) is also symbolized by money.

Wherever Venus is in your chart, can symbolize what you value in life. For example if you have Venus in the 4th house you may value and appreciate a secure and beautiful home base, if you have Venus in the 11th house you will value and appreciate the role of good friends in your life. Wherever Venus is in your chart can indicate where your money goes!

Between now and the Full Moon on April 25th it is a really good time to keep your attention on what you value. Whatever you place your attention on will grow and, with Venus in the earthy feminine sign of Taurus, the seeds of our appreciation at this time could very well reap financial rewards.

If you have had financial challenges lately (and who hasn't over the past few years?) now could be the time you renew your relationship with money and, rather than making Money 'the enemy' (as warrior-like Mars would do) re-invent her as a beautiful Venusian symbol of all that you value, love and appreciate.

See you next time, and in the meantime...
happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Coach and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.