Subject: Do You Have A Love/Hate Relationship with Your Moon Sign?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
August 5th 2015
Hi Friend,

I know, I know, I’m back to the Moon again, but this is a good one (really)! Have you ever noticed that you have a love-hate relationship with your Moon sign? It’s an interesting dynamic to watch in your life…
I’ve written much in these newsletters about the Moon and we can look at the Moon from many angles, but today I want to look at the Moon from the perspective of our wounded inner child. When we talk about our ‘wound’ or healing, normally we look towards Chiron, which tells us important messages about our healing journey, yet another important part of our healing is associated with our Moon, by sign and by house.

Some Soul Astrologers believe the Moon to be our most recent past life.
It is also thought that we are more like our Moon sign in early childhood (which would make sense if it was our most recent past life). To understand this more deeply one thing we can do is to watch our own dynamics when we are relating with others.

The Moon is associated with our instincts and emotions. When we feel hurt, and/or when others ‘push our buttons’ we are likely to react in a manner according to the qualities and temperament of our Moon sign.
For example you could be a gentle, sensitive, kind and compassionate Sun in Pisces yet you have Moon in Sagittarius. When hurt you may be scathing in your sarcasm, leaving your shocked and stunned friends wondering where that came from because “It’s not like you”.

The qualities of our Sun sign are in the light, easily recognized (usually), and we can often relate to them.
When it comes to our Moon sign, we are either unaware of those qualities, don’t recognize them in ourselves or we’ve spent a lifetime trying ‘not to be like that’. Our example of a Pisces friend (with Sagittarius Moon) may be thinking “I try not to be like that but when people push my buttons it just comes out”.

With our Sun sign, we can usually embrace both the positive and so-called negative qualities more easily.
So we may be able to openly say to a friend with Sun in Sagittarius, “You know I admire your honesty, and the fact you speak your mind, but you can be tactless at times”, and they may well shrug their shoulders and say “I know I can be like that sometimes, I’m working on it”. They are more likely to already be aware of it and to embrace the characteristic objectively, without too much of an emotional charge. That would be the Sun.

Not so with the Moon. Try saying that to our Pisces friend with Moon in Sagittarius!
If they don’t break down in tears saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about”, or get sarcastic with you and not realize they’re doing it, they will probably get defensive and accuse you of being mean and pointing out their faults. In other words there is likely to be unconscious reacting and/or an emotional charge. That would be the Moon.

The reason is that the Moon is a very sensitive point for all of us, and as we continue our own journey of self-exploration through Soul Astrology, we need to very gently approach the dynamics of our Moon sign, with loving awareness and great compassion for ourselves.
If we have reacted to someone in an unconscious, reactive way, that is a great opportunity for healing and awakening. If we look at what happened, and what got triggered in us, we can see where we need to do some healing work.

Most likely the dynamics of your Moon sign were created in a past life, and then something happened in your early childhood to re-awaken that pain and reinforce your impulse to ‘hide’ or cover it up.
So whenever you look at healing the dynamics of your Moon sign (and you usually don't want even to look), you are doing important inner child work. The reason it is such a sensitive area for you, is that when it comes to your Moon sign work you are dealing with a vulnerable, hurt, and very young inner child that needs your loving attention.

How can you be aware
of what you're not aware of?

Good question! If you’re not aware of the dynamics of your Moon sign, you can notice how you are with people who have the Sun in that same sign.
They are openly living out your Moon sign qualities, bringing them into the light for all to see (how dare they when maybe you’ve spent a lifetime trying not to be like that)!

People with Sun in the same sign as your Moon may be challenging for you some times while you may adore them at others. Especially if you don’t recognize those qualities in yourself.
When they are displaying the highest octave, love-based, so-called positive qualities of that sign, you may admire them greatly and wish you could be like that. When they display the fear-based, so-called negative, qualities of that sign you may think “I would NEVER be like that”. Whereas the truth is, you really are like that in the sense that you are carrying the same energy, although it expresses itself differently through the Moon (more sensitively and low-key than the Sun's expression).

When you can embrace people (not literally) whose Sun is in the same sign as your Moon, and think “I am that, and that am I” then you will be well on your way to healing your Moon sign.
Remember what you really want is to be flowing the clear light of your Soul Sign into the world, but before you can do that you need to ‘clean’ the lens of your personality signs (which is what focuses your Soul’s light into the world). Healing your Moon-sign is one of the ways your clear your lens and let your Soul-light shine!
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That's all for now! Next week we'll be looking at the Lunation Cycle and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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