Subject: Confusion re. Grand Fire Trine or Grand Earth Trine

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
May 12th 2016
Hi again Friend,

Sorry for the confusion about the Grand Trine in my newsletter. As some of you have pointed out, according to Western Astrology and the Tropical Zodiac, we are indeed in a Grand Earth Trine at the moment.

The Grand Trine is in Earth using the Tropical Zodiac and in Fire using the Sidereal Zodiac.

Although I'm not a Vedic astrologer, and don't use the Sidereal Zodiac, I had been contemplating whether we could use it to determine Wesak, (since that would be more in accord with the Buddha's birth time and place) and if so, how we would interpret that ... and I hadn't made that clear in my newsletter this week!

So I have written some clarification below (or at least I hope it clarifies things and you don't get even more confused!)

Grand Fire Trine - Sidereal Zodiac (Vedic Astrology)

So if we used the Sidereal Zodiac for the Full Moon on May 21st we would have the Sun in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio with a Grand Fire Trine  - between Mercury in Aries, Jupiter in Leo, and Pluto in Sagittarius. 

In addition to the potential for a great influx of Cosmic Fire as I mentioned in the newsletter... as Mercury in Aries supports us in building the antahkarana, or rainbow bridge, between lower and higher mind (Mercury is the esoteric or Soul Ruler of Aries); Jupiter in Leo brings an influx of Love-Wisdom for the purpose of Self-Realization; and Pluto in Sagittarius helping us to reach the highest wisdom of all, that which buddhists call 'the wisdom realizing 'emptiness' (the wisdom of the clear light mind).

...this also places the Sun/Full Moon on the Taurus/Scorpio axis of releasing personal desire and attachment (Taurus) and transforming darkness into light through one's own personal journey of healing and transformation (Scorpio). The emphasis on Taurus/Scorpio, the release of attachment and the potential for powerful personal transformation, is more in alignment with the festival of Wesak.

Grand Earth Trine - Tropical Zodiac

So now let's look at the esoteric meaning of the Grand Earth Trine - this places the emphasis on Earth for the purpose of 'descension' or bringing spirit into matter.

This places Mercury in Taurus, Jupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn - so we have:

  • Mercury  building the antahkarana, or rainbow bridge, between lower and higher mind working through the sign of non-attachment and illumination (Taurus) - a wonderful placement for those on a spiritual path* for recognizing where we might be attached to our thoughts, and working towards the illumined mind;
  • Jupiter bringing an influx of Love-Wisdom by generously flowing greater degrees of Divine Love into the world through the sacred feminine (Virgo);
  • Pluto teaching the highest wisdom realizing emptiness, bringing clear light mind through the lessons of discipline and sincere focus on one's spiritual path - bringing heaven to earth and anchoring more light on the planet through the sign of the disciple (Capricorn).

This also places the Sun/Full Moon on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of resolving duality and the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity. This is more in alignment with the third of the great festivals - the festival of Goodwill, or Humanity - as the illumined light of Buddha and Christ Consciousness that descend during Wesak are integrated, synthesized and distributed throughout the collective consciousness of humanity.

What is interesting about astrology, is that whichever zodiac we use, it works. This is because astrological systems arise within specific cultures and speak to the hearts, minds and Soul's of those specific people.

Both systems work, and I believe both interpretations will strike a chord for the people's involved who use those systems, with people in Vedic countries perhaps resonating with the Fire Trine interpretation and Westerners resonating with the Earth Trine interpretation.

Whether East or West, and irrespective of which astrological system we use, these are still powerful times and the potential for spiritual advancement is very great indeed!

[Note to self #1 don't try and write articles for clarification when Mercury is retrograde!

Note to self #2 remember what your astrology mentor Alan Oken says about not mixing cosmologies!! (ie. it doesn't work and causes confusion)]


That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*people who are still very much personality driven may become even more attached to thoughts, as often our ego tendencies become increasingly exaggerated until we finally get the point and start walking our spiritual path.
Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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