Subject: Calling all lightworkers ... your light is needed now

Last call to share this valuable information with your friends...
December 14th 2016
Hi again Friend

Thank you to everyone who joined in our online book launch through Facebook! 

I just wanted to take a moment and point something out to you. Whether you realise it or not - you ARE a lightworker. You are a being of light (science is proving that) and your light is needed now, more than every.

The world is in a sorry state and it's so easy to feel helpless, and think there is nothing we can do. Yet when you align with your Soul path, you begin to emanate a light that has the power to shift the world. Never underestimate the power of your own light.

Anya's book "Lightworker Undercover" is a powerful manual for our times, that shows us how to use our feelings as our guidance system, to connect to our light, which has the power to transform the darkness in the world.

Many of you are here to transform darkness into light, flow more Divine Love into the world, shine your light in the dark, and flow Universal Love through your sacred heart center. 

Many of you also ask me, "once I know my Soul Sign" how can I apply it in daily life?

Well Anya's book tells you exactly how, in very practical terms. I urge you to buy this book as a companion on your journey of self-exploration.  

Anya extended the deadline for her launch offer so you can get it at HALF PRICE ($9.99 instead of $19.99) - but hurry - this offer is closing now.

Don't miss out on this valuable guide for your journey.

with very best wishes,


PS - ACT NOW this offer is closing now! 

This book is for and about people who generate a field of grace through heart-centered acts of compassion in their everyday lives and work. People like you. Some recognize themselves as lightworkers and some don’t. This book calls you up to be more aware of the light you carry, and the positive impact your light has on others. It also highlights how science has proven that you are a being of light.

The more you live from higher light and consciousness, the more you realize our oneness. You realize that all separation is an illusion and that you really are one unique ray of light in the rainbow that is the kaleidoscope of our human family. The message here is that the world needs the light of your conscious awareness now, for these unprecedented evolutionary shifting times. Can YOU hear the call?

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.

, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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