Subject: Astrology Symbols (and a new baby)!

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
June 17th 2015
Hi Friend,

A few weeks ago I was working with a software program that I rarely use and noticed a glyph that I didn’t recognize. I did some research and discovered that, even with the modern internet and powerful search engines, it isn’t easy to find lesser-known astrological symbols.

I found a couple of websites (not many) that listed astrological symbols, but they really only included the more common ones: the twelve zodiac signs and the 10 planets from the Sun through to Pluto. Occasionally one would include Chiron.

Even an Amazon search for books turned up very little, with many books on symbology now being out of print. I realized that we really could use a good online resource on astrological symbology, which brings me to our new ‘baby’…

Introducing our new ‘baby’...

It started with a list... ! My first idea was to create a simple online list of astrology symbols - an index if you like - where you can look up glyphs and what they represent, but as I began working on the website it's full potential began to unfold…

This could become a very valuable resource for information not only about what the glyphs symbolize, but also about their origin and the deeper esoteric meaning of why a specific glyph is used to represent something.

For example on a simple level the Sun in your chart is symbolized by a dot within a circle.
It's important to know that when we’re first learning about our astrology and trying to identify what everything actually IS on our birth chart. So on one level the new website can simply be used as a key to your horoscope: this represents the Sun, this represents the Moon and so on and so forth.
But then what? What if we ask ‘why’? That takes us in a different direction.

Why is the Sun symbolized by a circle with a dot at the center?

Now we’re getting into the deeper meaning of the glyphs themselves.
In astrology the Sun in your natal chart represents your vitality, your life-force energy. The circle is an ancient symbol for the infinite universe.

Unlike a straight line, a circle is without beginning and without end, so it represents infinity.
It represents the unmanifested source from which all manifest reality arises. The dot is the individual spark of light arising from the unmanifest. The first point of light when the unmanifest becomes manifest. So we can see why the symbol, the glyph, for the Sun is perfect to represent you as an individual spark of creation!

It dawned on me that can be so much more than just a place to look up glyphs, it could also be a place where the deeper meanings of the glyphs and their origin are explained, as with the Sun above.
This would take some time of course to research and gather the information, and it's also an awesome opportunity for everyone to get involved and learn together as we go!

Help us grow!
As you can see is only in it’s infancy. The next step is to add descriptions for all the glyphs there. If you have an interest you may like to contribute by writing a description, an article, or sharing the link.

Why not consider writing an article about a symbol or glyph?
You could publish the article on your own website and I would put a short description on with a link over to your site so people can read your full article. (See how I did this with the description of the declinations and a link to )

Sharing the wisdom!

Of course one of the most exciting things about this whole project is the opportunity for learning together. As this project grows I will continue sharing our 'discoveries' here in this newsletter, so we all have an opportunity to expand our wisdom and understand the deeper significance of astrological symbolism.

Take a moment now to share the news: put it out through your social media and/or add a link to from the resources section of your website if you have one.

All our contributions will eventually build into a valuable one-stop resource for everything to do with the symbolism of astrology, that will serve many generations to come. Let me know your first impressions of our new baby!

That's all for now! See you next week and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


PS I almost forgot... the glyph that started this whole thing? It was a glyph for Nessus that I hadn’t seen before! That figures. Melanie Reinhart’s key phrase for Nessus is “The Buck Stops Here”! You can read more in her book, “Chiron, Pholus and Nessus: To the Edge and Beyond”
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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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