Subject: Are You Ready For The Next Level? Tracking Your Chart Ruler

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
December 2nd 2015
Hi Friend,
Last week we talked a bit about how one of the higher purposes in Sagittarius Season is identifying ‘the correct goal’. The ‘correct goal’ as it were, would be our unique path of spiritual awakening or what the Tibetan Master in Esoteric Astrology calls ‘personality-soul fusion’.

This week we continue by looking at your ‘chart ruler’, and how you can use that to learn about your unique individual path of soul awakening (personality-soul fusion). 

One of my mentors, Master Astrologer Alan Oken, often says “wherever your chart ruler goes, you go.” What he means is that this is one of the most influential energies in your life, and the condition of the chart ruler can tell you much about the condition of your life.

In other words, whatever is going on with your chart ruler is going to be a major theme in your life and part of your Soul journey.

What is my chart ruler?

First let’s start by saying what we mean by your chart ruler.
Remember your natal chart is a two-dimensional diagram of your entire energy field at the point of your birth. It is a symbol of your own sacred mandala: a representation of the dynamic energetic field that we call ‘you’! In any chart some energy dynamics carry greater significance than others. 

Your chart ruler is the planet (or planets) that ‘rule’ your rising sign. It can be the ‘natural’ ruler of that sign (see the table below) OR it can be a planet that is closely connected (a conjunction) to your Rising Sign. (Read more about ruling planets in “Your Essential Guide To Soul Astrology”).

Why is my chart ruler specifically related to my Soul’s path and purpose?

In earlier articles we have explored why your Rising Sign symbolizes your Soul’s path, so we don’t need to repeat that here, but we can continue by saying that your Rising Sign is not a solid, physical, thing.
It is a point in space that marks the point on the horizon at the time that you were born. I like to think of it as a ‘portal’ or vibrational frequency in space that allows us to ‘beam in’ on this wavelength as we take a physical incarnation!

In contrast, planetary bodies are very physical things indeed! Some are more dense than others, but they are all manifestations of energy in physical form.
The planet most associated with your Rising Sign therefore gives some indication of how you will manifest the energy of your Soul and anchor it into physical form, in this lifetime. In Esoteric Astrology we have two planetary rulers: the ‘exoteric’ or ‘personality ruler’, which indicates how we might express the personality attributes of our Rising Sign, and the ‘esoteric’ or ‘Soul ruler’, which indicates how we might express the Soul qualities of our Rising Sign.

See my previous newsletter for more about Soul rulers, but for our purposes today I want to stay focused on how you can track your chart rulers (both personality and Soul) to learn more about your Soul path.
Before continuing you need to know your Rising Sign (indicated by Ascendant or AC on your natal chart). If you don’t know you can find out here (sorry for omitting this link out of last week’s newsletter)! Also, for simplicity we will just focus on the personality rulers today, but once you understand this process you can apply it to your Soul ruler too.

Once you know your Rising Sign use the following table to find out your chart ruler:

- Mars
- Venus
- Mercury
- The Moon
- The Sun
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars  AND Pluto
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Saturn AND Uranus
- Neptune AND Jupiter

We don’t have the space here to go into why some signs have 2 but if you do you need to know about them both.
If you have a planet within 8º of your AC you also need to know about that too, because it will also be acting as a chart ruler!

Next you need to spend some time studying the condition of your chart ruler(s) in your natal chart. What sign is it in? What house is it in? What is it’s relationship to points and planets in the rest of your chart (aspects)?
We don’t have the space here to go into every possibility - if you’d like to do this together I’d love to support you - a 30-minute consultation would be ideal for this.

You could spend the rest of your life just doing that, and you would learn so much about your Soul's journey, but once you have a thorough understanding of your chart ruler in your birth chart you can take it even deeper!

If you really want to track your chart ruler, you need to see where it ‘goes’!
This means looking at transits and progressions. Transits show us where the current planetary positions are interacting with your birth chat, while progressions show us how the planets have moved on - or progressed - from your birth chart (We’re don’t have the space to go into this in depth but you can see my earlier newsletter for more on transits).

You can track transits of your chart ruler by looking at the current position of the planet and seeing how that relates to your chart.
For example if your Rising Sign is Gemini or Virgo your chart ruler will be Mercury. Next you look to see the current position of Mercury. There are lots of ways to do this. You can just Google ‘current planetary positions’ - also on my websites at and I have added a table to the sidebar where you can quickly check the current position of any planet.

You’ll see on that table that Mercury is currently in Sagittarius (December 2nd 2015).
So if you have Gemini Rising, your chart ruler is likely to be transiting your 6th house - where you may be having experiences that cause you to think or communicate (Mercury) about being of service in some way (6th house) or your 7th house -  where you may be having experiences that cause you to think or communicate (Mercury) about your relationships and partnerships (7th house). Remember that when your chart ruler is involved these experiences will be calling you up to a higher more Soul-centered expression of your energy.

If you keep a journal, and note what is going on in your life, and also note what was happening with your ruling planet at the same time, you can really take your self-exploration to the next level through Soul Astrology.

That's all for now! Next week we will look at how you can find your chart ruler, and how you can use that information for your journey of self-exploration.

In the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. specializes in the science of Soul Astrology, as applied to living our Soul Path and Life Purpose. She is dedicated to supporting people to live from the Soul in 'Life's Greatest Adventure'.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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