Subject: Are You Following Your Inner Guidance?

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
March 12th 2014
Hi Friend,

I remember a time when I felt like I had no access to my inner guidance at all. I couldn't tell the difference between intuition and my everyday 'monkey mind' - and so I didn't really know the difference between intuition and thoughts that were just running through my mind. Of course this then meant that I couldn't trust my inner guidance, because at that point there was no telling if it was guidance or just the same everyday kind of thinking that usually got me into all kinds of problems!

Then my mentor, Anya Sophia Mann, introduced me to the idea of synchronicity. I'd already read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and thought how wonderful it would be if life were really like that! I didn't realize at the time that it can be, if we know how to listen. We are being guided all of the time, but the problem is that we don't notice it.

Now I can reflect and see that I was guided to the best mentor for me at that time, and I was even guided to read The Celestine Prophecy - but at that time I wasn't mindful enough to pay attention to the series of coincidences that had led me there and to recognize it as guidance.

Then my mentor introduced me to a book called "Peak Evolution" by Lauren Holmes (some of you might remember when I used to co-host the weekly Peak Evolution telecalls)! This was a major turning point in terms of following my guidance as a way of life. I decided to live synchronistically from that point forward and ONLY 'go where guided' (as Anya would say)!

In Peak Evolution the author Lauren Holmes has created a complete system for learning how to follow guidance: from noticing synchronicities and connecting the dots, to learning how to do a 'resonance rating' so you can see which things resonate more than others, to recognizing clear flow events and block events, and even discerning between block events and struggle events. By applying this system in practice I catapulted my ability to discern and follow guidance, and Life took me in previously unimaginable directions!

Not everything was where my ego would have chosen to go! …but everything has certainly led to deeper awareness, understanding of our spiritual journey, and greater wisdom. One thing I learned is that our intuitive capacity unfolds in stages. Later in our journey, when our mind is quieter, we are able to sense our guidance directly and the need to follow synchronicities and external events becomes less important - although they do serve as a validation that you are still on the right path, like footlights guiding your way.

If you are at a point where you are not sure of your inner guidance I'll share the sage advice that my mentor gave to me: begin by following synchronicities, then connect the dots! You can even look back over your recent life, and see where you have already been guided. Like most things, the more attention you give it the more it will grow. Make it a way of life, and you will soon notice your intuitive capacity growing!

That's all for now see you next time, and in the meantime... happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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