Subject: All Change! Concluding Our Series with the Transits of Pluto.

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
January 28th 2015
Hi Friend,

First I'll apologize for the length of this week's article! I know it's very long, but I didn't want to split it because here we're wrapping up this whole series on the planets of transformation*. So this is your opportunity to take a break! Go grab a cup of tea… sit back… put your feet up… and enjoy the read!

Last week we looked at where Pluto is in your natal chart, in other words, the position Pluto was in when you were born. This is important because it forms part of your energy field that you carry with you throughout life. In addition to that, it is also important to look where Pluto is now, and how that may be affecting your life.

This brings us to the transits of Pluto. If you've been following these newsletters for some time you'll remember that a transit is where a planet is currently passing through an area of your chart. In astrology we divide your chart up into 12 segments which represent areas of your life experience. We call these 12 segments 'houses'. So as Pluto continues his journey across the heavens he will pass through houses in your chart and, as he does so, he may also come into contact with one or more planets. This interaction with our pre-existing energy field is why each of us will experience these transits uniquely. So a transit is where a planet is currently passing through, and affecting, an area of your life...

Pluto is currently at 14º Capricorn so if you take a look at your natal chart and see where 14º of Capricorn is, you will see which area of your life is currently undergoing a Pluto transformation. It takes Pluto about 21 years to transit one house, so we are talking here about deep, gradual, and lasting change that happens over time!

Wherever Pluto is transiting your chart you will be experiencing Plutonic themes on a deep level: you may be having experiences that cause you to look deeply at the root of the matter, and/or that cause you to go 'underground' and illuminate what is there, bringing it to the light for healing. You may be having experiences that cause you to look at issues around power, uses and abuses of power, including how you use your own personal power and issues of self-empowerment. Underpinning all of these Plutonic issues is the potential to recognize Divine Will and your own will as one.

If Pluto is transiting your…

1st House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your self-identity. The first house is all about how you experience yourself in the world. Pluto here is uprooting ideas and beliefs around the nature of your existence until you find deeper answers to the question "Who Am I?".

2nd House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your inner values and resources. Pluto here is uprooting all false ideas about what is of 'value', especially in terms of yourself. You may experience major changes and/or power struggles about your finances, possessions: what you own, what is yours, how you generate income. Pluto here is uprooting false values until you find the deeper treasure of your own inner spiritual resources.

3rd House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your thinking. The third house is all about your mind, mental processing, thinking, learning and communication. Pluto here is uprooting false beliefs, limited thinking and cultural conditioning to illuminate the true spiritual nature of mind as light.

4th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your roots. The fourth house is all about familial and ancestral conditioning. Pluto here is uprooting and exposing negative patterns of conditioning that we specifically inherit through our family and ancestral lineage. Outdated patterns of behavioral conditioning are being uprooted and illuminated so that healthier, more appropriate roots can be set down that support you moving forward as an awakening spiritual being.

5th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your creative self-expression. The 5th house is all about your power to create as an individual whether that be through creating a work of art, or having children. It is about how you express your individuality through fun, play, romance and creativity. It is about discovering and expressing your personal power. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating any limitations or distortions in your self-expression so you get to experience your true creative power as an individual.

6th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your approach to work, health and well-being. The sixth house is about service: how we maintain our own 'fitness' to be of service to ourselves and those whom depend upon us, either as employers, family or even our pets. The first five houses have been about personal development. In the sixth house we are beginning to shift our attention from our 'self' to see how we may fulfill our 'purpose' in our tribe or community. Pluto here can bring major changes in our attitudes towards health, work and fulfilling our obligations within our community. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating any distorted ideas we may have about servitude so we can become enlightened servers in true 'service' to humanity.

7th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming partnership. The seventh house is all about our partnerships: marriage, committed relationships and business relationships. Pluto here will be transforming your attitudes and approach to relationships, and 'equalizing' where there may be power imbalances. Pluto here will be revealing where there are any imbalances of power so that all your partnerships can be based on equality going forward. This may mean you learning new skills and techniques to remain in a balanced position in your relating.

8th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming power and trust in intimate relating. The 8th house is about our deeper intimate connections with others whom we are required to trust, and/or who must trust us. These deeper issues of trust often arise in the context of sex and money. Pluto in this area may be throwing up challenges that reveal where you can trust and where you cannot trust, or where that trust has been betrayed. Are you trustworthy yourself? Pluto is bringing all these issues into the light for healing, so you can learn more about the power dynamics involved. You may be learning new skills around where you give away your power in certain situations, and where you can bring healing through your own self-empowerment.

9th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your wisdom. The 9th house is about higher education, religion, philosophy and higher knowledge. Pluto here may be uprooting and illuminating false beliefs, ideals and distorted knowledge, so you can become aware of deeper spiritual truth and wisdom.

10th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your career or vocation. In contrast to the 6th house, which is more about your 'job', the 10th house says more about your vocation, or the work you came to do in the world. (The distinction would be an actor who currently makes a living as a waiter: acting would be his 10th house calling, whereas waiting on tables would be his 6th house). Pluto here may be uprooting and illuminating ideas about who you are in the world: what you feel called to manifest in the world and/or what your position or status is within your community, society or company.

11th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your role within groups and societies that you belong to. The 11th house is about kindred spirits: friends and groups that you belong to that have shared ideals and aspirations. Pluto here will be uprooting and illuminating group dynamics that no longer serve the highest and best good. You may be called upon to change your role within certain groups, or even leave and join new groups, so you may actively participate in groups that will evolve the collective consciousness of humanity.

12th House
A major theme in your life will be transforming your inner world. The 12th house is the house of mystery and secrets. This includes your unconscious mind but also is your gateway to higher consciousness through meditative and spiritual experiences that awaken you to higher dimensions of consciousness. Pluto here may be creating experiences in your life that bring your own unconscious behavior to the light of your own awareness for healing.

Pluto is the slowest moving planet and will only cross some of the houses in your chart in this lifetime. So it is important to notice which areas of your life have been, and are being, 'touched' by Pluto because they will be the areas where you have possibly experienced the greatest challenges and the most personal transformation in your whole life. When Pluto makes his slow and laborious journey through an area of your life, you are never the same again. You will be changed. You can either resist the change, whereby it becomes a painful struggle, or you can embrace the change and recognize where your soul is calling upon you to grow, learn and awaken.

We have now briefly looked at the three main planets of transformation. Many of us are experiencing a 'triple whammy' in terms of spiritual awakening that began with the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in 1993. At that time Uranus and Neptune made an exact conjunction at 18º Capricorn. Since then Uranus has taken the lead through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and now Aries, followed by Neptune (currently at 6º Pisces) and last but not least followed by Pluto (currently at 14º Capricorn).

If you look at which houses these signs occupy in your own chart, you will see where you have received the initial spiritual 'initiation' in the form of Uranus awakening your intuition, followed by the spiritual  illumination of Neptune and finally, the transformation of Pluto calling you to 'uproot and enlighten' energetic patterns that are no longer working so you can put down new 'roots' that will support you on your journey going forward. It might be a good exercise to look at your life events over this time period and see where your own transformation has taken place!

This concludes our series on the planets of transformation, if you would like to read more on the subject I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo's excellent book "Astrology, Karma and Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart". I know we haven't looked at aspects (how planets form energetic relationships with other points and planets in our chart) because this in itself is a complex issue that deserves it's own space. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan emphasizes the importance of the 'science of triangles' so we will be exploring this at some future time.

Finally remember this is a vast topic and we have only had space here to just skim the surface. Really understanding the dynamic interplay of energy and light in your own chart is best done within the context of a personal consultation where we have time to deeply study and analyze the multiple factors at work, and how they play out in your individual life situation.

That's all for now! and in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


*PS - If you missed earlier articles in this series you can find them all here in the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE (You may need considerably more tea!)
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Soul Path Astrologer and Coach Ruth Hadikin, specializes in supporting you on your greatest adventure: as you find and express your purpose, passion, and unique Soul Path through self-exploration.
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