Subject: A Great Influx of Love, Light and Wisdom

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Life's Greatest Adventure!
April 1st 2015
Hi Friend,

This is a very significant and sacred time of year. We might say it's because we just had Easter. We might say it was because of the Full Moon in Libra and the lunar eclipse last weekend... in Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master spoke of three great spiritual festivals that mark this most sacred time of the year, marked by the times of the full moon when the Sun is in Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

So we are now in a very sacred time of year, which began with Easter, and has the potential for a great spiritual awakening throughout humanity.
The first festival at Easter, is the festival of the Christ and is always marked by the first full moon in Aries Season.

The second in this series of three is the festival of the Buddha. It is also called Wesak and is celebrated around the time of the first full moon in Taurus Season.

The third festival is the festival of humanity which takes place at the full moon in Gemini Season.

We are not speaking here of the actual individuals that were known as Jesus Christ and Siddhartha, who became known as the Buddha, but rather of the higher spiritual states of consciousness that they represent, and which humanity is moving towards.

I have written before on how there is a greater influx of light onto the planet during this time of year, as through a great portal is open and we are being bathed with Divine energy.

If you are sensitive enough, and quiet enough in your mind, you can feel it but it is hard for many to relate to 'an influx of light' as anything other than an idea. This is why meditation is so important so that it comes out of the realm of an idea, and becomes a reality for you in your own experience.

There is so much we do not understand about light, and what light really is. Light is a spectrum, of which only a small part can be perceived by the human eye. Science is really only just touching the tip of the iceberg in research into how information is carried on light, with fiber optic communication technology.

In meditation, as your mind becomes quieter you naturally become increasingly aware of light. You may notice certain qualities in light itself, such as awareness and clarity. You may even become aware that there is great wisdom in this clarity.  In the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition this is known as 'clear light wisdom'.

As you become quieter, you may also notice that certain feeling states are also associated with light. As you drop into stillness, you may experience feelings not unlike love. In fact, it IS love! In the stillness you are more able to perceive the subtle quality of love that is always present as your true nature.

In addition to clear light wisdom, light also carries information similar to how information is carried in our DNA. Light carries information about who we are as a humanity, what our role and purpose is on earth, and what we are here to do (which is to become aware of this very light and our relationship to it).

When we become still and quiet enough we have access to all the love, light and wisdom that we will ever need!

So when we speak of a 'greater influx of light' at this time of year, we are speaking of a powerful opportunity to access greater love and wisdom which allows humanity to evolve to higher states of consciousness than we have ever known before.

That's all for now! Enjoy going deeper in your meditation and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,

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Soul Path Astrologer Ruth Hadikin specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose.
, Life's Greatest Adventure, Inner, HQ, United Kingdom
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