Subject: ♐ Soul Astrology Newsletter - The Sound of Silence ♐

The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!

December 2024 Newsletter

Hi Friend

Last month we explored the Soul-centered meaning of Scorpio in The Struggle is Real. This month it's time to look at the Soul-centered meaning of Sagittarius.

Remember, whether you have personal planets in Sagittarius or not, sooner or later we will all experience these themes for ourselves on our Soul journey ... and if we are beginning to awaken we may recognize that we have experienced ALL of them already!

If you do have personal planets in Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising, then the themes we are about to discuss may be especially significant and meaningful for you in this lifetime....

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Now let's go to this month's Soul Astrology exploration - The Sound of Silence ...


You can read more about Sagittarius and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and get the video "Sagittarius Rising The Sagittarius Soul" HERE - enjoy! (Remember to use code READER15 for your 15% reader discount)

"The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology" builds on the first Soul Astrology book, by including the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, plus offering deeper insights into the 12 Zodiac Signs. Available in paperback and Kindle, it also forms the basis for the online Living Soul Astrology course.

Sagittarius - The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

"[Sagittarius] is now the sign of the one-pointed disciple. The life of fluid response to matter becomes that of the focussed response to spirit and preparation for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal.

First, the disciple has definitely to cease identifying himself with either his own human personality and processes or with the human kingdom, prior to taking initiation. His emphasis is, for the future, to be upon the spiritual soul and the fifth kingdom in nature; in Sagittarius he begins to express this first stage. This involves a complete withdrawal, in the personality sense, from the form side of life. This again entails (at a certain point of crisis) a point of balance.

Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for initiation begins...

Sagittarius is powerfully affecting the world aspirants and leading them towards those attitudes of mind which will produce an unswerving allegiance to the spiritual values and an unalterable adherence to the good of humanity."

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

As we continue our Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs, the sentient 'spark' of light ignited in Aries, became a conscious beam of light in Taurus, multiple rays of intelligent light in Gemini, incarnated into form in Cancer, developed a sense of self in Leo, felt the urge to serve in Virgo, faced choice in Libra, and triumphed over worldly desires in Scorpio, must now find the way home...

Now our embodied Soul of conscious, intelligent, light, must seek a true path that will lead to liberation from suffering, and ultimately self-realization, but this isn't easy. For there are many paths, and many are false, leading to a dead-end, or leading us round in circles ...

In earlier newsletters we explored how, according to the Tibetan tradition, everything manifests from source, through the light realm into the physical realm.

On our Soul's journey out through the stages of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, our Soul was in the light realm. In Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra the Soul was in the physical form. Scorpio was the point of transformation, where Soul and form become one. Now the Soul is beginning the return journey, yet a true path has still to be found... 

So what does this mean for us personally? Let's explore!

Homeward Bound

Having emerged victorious from the battle in Scorpio, the Soul in Sagittarius now seeks a true path that will lead to home.

Even though the trials in Scorpio are complete, the journey is far from over. There are many pitfalls along the way. From here the way becomes increasingly subtle. There is a realization that the more involved we are in worldly concerns, the more likely we are to become distracted from our path of spiritual awakening.

This is why in ancient times, yogis and sages would retreat from the world, to focus on their spiritual path.

It is thought that in ancient mystery schools, Sagittarius was known as the sign of silence. This is in recognition of the fact that the key to spiritual awakening lies in the silence.

The Sound of Silence

The silence of which we speak here, is not an absence of sound. In fact, there can be sound, but rather it is a way of drawing our attention to a greater reality: the dynamic, living, silent space within which all sounds and phenomena appear. Without this backdrop of 'silence', we couldn't experience sounds.

At this stage of spiritual awakening, the true 'goal' of Sagittarius is to remain aware of the living reality: the Divine space within which all existence happens. Keeping one's attention there in a relaxed way, without 'fixating' on it, or grasping after it, or trying to make something happen in a contrived way IS the path of Sagittarius, and it isn't easy!

"There is no way of being. Being is the way" 

- The Tao

As we first embark on this journey of spiritual awakening, it is necessary to find a path. Therefore we need to seek until we find a way that will lead us to our own true nature. But seeking itself can become a habit.

The sign of Sagittarius is associated with truth, freedom, and goals. As we turn away from the path of worldly concerns (driven by ego) and turn our attention towards spiritual awakening, we are less concerned about personal truth, freedom and goals and more concerned with the ultimate truth of our nature, freedom from bondage and suffering, and spiritual goals.

It's the job of Sagittarius to stay focused on the higher goal: spiritual awakening. To keep seeking the truth that will align us with this goal, and to recognise and keep returning to the authentic paths that can lead us to this ultimate awakening.

It is in Sagittarius that an authentic path to enlightenment will be found, ready to walk the path in Capricorn.

Sign of Service

The Soul in Sagittarius is now fully grown. We might think of the Soul's journey as similar to stages of human development:

As the Soul journeys out through Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, it is similar to an infant or young child. Not fully developed, our main purpose is to grow and take shape. Esoterically these are known as the signs of preparation.

As our Soul journeys through the signs of Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, it is similar to a teenager and young adult. Fully formed but as yet, unskilled and unaware of our power, our purpose here is to meet Life's challenges and become skilful in wisdom and compassion. Esoterically these are known as the signs of crisis.

As our Soul journey's through the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, our Soul is fully grown. As we make the return journey back to our Divine Source, our purpose is to continue maturing and realize how we may be of benefit to all sentient beings. Esoterically these are known as the signs of service.

As the first of the signs of service, our newly-matured Soul in Sagittarius not only has to find the correct way home, but also has to realize how we may benefit others along the way.

Stages of Consciousness

As we continue to awaken, we pass through various stages of consciousness, growing in compassion, power and wisdom, as our capacity to benefit others grows exponentially. At each stage of consciousness we realize new and different ways to be of benefit.

The journey of Sagittarius not only involves seeking and finding a true path, but it also means having the wisdom to know when it is time to stop seeking, and how to continue being of greater benefit to planet Earth and all sentient beings. This is when the spiritual seeker begins to transform into the spiritual teacher.

When we have some insight into how our capacity to be of benefit is constantly growing, then we begin to understand the deeper meaning of the Tibetan's keynote for Sagittarius:

"I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another."

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That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.

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Watch the trailer HERE

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Online Course

Learn Soul Astrology online at your own pace and discover YOUR hidden treasure, with the Living Soul Astrology online course.


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  • 24 video lessons

  • 24 meditations

  • Soul Astrology Community

  • Certificate of Completion

A valuable addition to your

Soul Astrology library...

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A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

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deeper expeditions into Soul Astrology

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(new cover 2024)


by Ruth Hadikin

A simple guide to your Soul Sign, based on Soul Astrology and the teachings of The Tibetan.

This Soul Sign guide includes:


Your Soul Sign

Personality and Soul

Soul Recognition

Personality and Soul Expressions of Your Soul Sign


A unique meditation specific to your Soul Sign.

"My daughter said she had never read a description of the Leo Soul that resonated with her the way yours did. Thank you so much for the work you do!" - Charlotte, Ohio, USA

Choose the title that matches YOUR Soul Sign.

Note: The Soul Sign descriptions in this short guide are from the book:

"Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose"

The Soul Sign meditations are unique to this edition.

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A simple, easy guide for beginners.

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