Subject: ♎ Soul Astrology Newsletter - The Path of Liberation ♎

The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!

October 2024 Newsletter

Hi Friend

Last month we explored the Soul-centered meaning of Virgo in Love in Action. This month it's time to look at the Soul-centered meaning of Libra.

Remember, whether you have personal planets in Libra or not, we all have an opportunity to contemplate these themes for ourselves ... and if you do have personal planets in Libra or Libra Rising, then this time of year will be especially significant for you.

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Now let's go to this month's Soul Astrology exploration - The Path of Liberation ...


You can read more about Libra and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and get the video "Libra Rising The Libra Soul" HERE - enjoy! (Remember to use code READER15 for your 15% reader discount)

"The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology" builds on the first Soul Astrology book, by including the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, plus offering deeper insights into the 12 Zodiac Signs. Available in paperback and Kindle AND now as the basis for our online Living Soul Astrology course - CLICK HERE for details.

Libra - The Path of Liberation

The Path of Liberation

"Through the effect of the energy flowing from the zodiacal signs the man is prepared for the "crisis of orientation" wherein he slowly and gradually reverses his mode of progress upon the wheel of life and begins consciously to travel back to his source.

During this process the mental principle,

the discriminating mind, is developed and in this specific connection (not in a general connection) the emphasis is laid upon the influence of Aries, Gemini and Libra.

Under that influence the man learns to overcome desire through experiment with and experience of every kind of desire and selfish impulse. Thus gradually ... the human soul learns to function first as a member of the human family, and, secondly as a spiritual entity, the divine soul."

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

As we continue our Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs, the sentient 'spark' of light that ignited in Aries, became a conscious beam of light in Taurus, multiple rays of intelligent light in Gemini, incarnated into form in Cancer, developed a sense of self in Leo, and felt the urge to serve in Virgo, is now faced with a choice ....

Will our body of conscious, intelligent, light, be able to awaken within the form and choose the pathway home? or get lost in the distractions that make up the myriad worlds of form ...

In earlier newsletters we explored how, according to the Tibetan tradition, everything manifests from source, through the light realm into the physical realm.

On our Soul's journey out through the stages of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, our Soul was in the light realm. In Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, the Soul was in the physical form. In Libra the Soul is still in physical form yet faces a choice... will the choice be made to start the return journey back to light?

So what does this mean for us personally? Let's explore!

Our Two Selves

By now our soul and its journey has become aware of a divine self and an ordinary self that gets caught in the mundane world and when we get caught in this mundane world we forget our divinity

In a previous newsletter we mentioned the eight worldly concerns- where people are stuck because we keep our attention on material concerns almost continuously. Yet our divine nature is ever present, it only requires us to remember it and place our attention there.

Choice and Balance

The sign of Libra is associated with choice and balance. As the pendulum of awareness swings between divinity and wordly concerns we are cultivating our capacity to choose where we place our attention.

The more we place our attention on our divinity the more we identify with this and become less and tangled in worldly affairs. This doesn’t mean to say that we can’t live in the world and move through the world and live our life, but we don’t need to get caught up and identified with the illusion that is our worldly self

Air Signs and Mental Concepts

At the personality level all the air signs are associated with thinking - the formation of thoughts and mental concepts. In Libra, mental concepts form the foundation for the science of ethics... the process by which we use thought in the form of reason to determine right and wrong action - Libra uses ethical thinking to guide decision making... yet all of this happens at the personality level... yet something greater is going on.

As our Soul continues on it's journey, Libra is the light that comes to rest... it is the point at which the tide turns... the outward flow of energy slows and appears to stop, turning inwards...

Souls Hanging in The Balance

At the Soul level in Libra there can be a resting phase... where motion appears to stop and everything hangs in the balance of the scales...

At Soul level Libra is tackling a very different level of awareness and choice: the awareness of the many worlds created by thought forms, that form, guide and drive the material world... and the level of pure awareness - the true nature of mind within which all other phenomena happen.

The Reversed Wheel

It is a choice between awakening and staying in the dream. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan Master speaks of the reversed wheel. This is the path we take once we have started to awaken to our spiritual nature and made the choice to awaken and not fall back into the dream-like illusion of worldly concerns.

According to the Tibetan, for most people the Soul is actually travelling through the Zodiac from Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and so on back to Aries. This is the path that keeps us caught in the illusion of samsara, the realm of suffering. Where we are caught in a dream-like illusion, and trapped in the endless cycle of death and rebirth. It is attachment to the world of form that keeps us in this cycle.

It is only when we make the decision to awaken, and remain fully committed to awakening, does our Soul then travel in the direction we are more familiar with, from Aries through to Pisces. This is the path of awakening.

Choice is Made

It is in Libra where choice is made. The Libra Soul has a foot in two realms of existence, and is aware of both. Libra enjoys the pleasures of the material world, yet has to be careful not to get attached.

In The Labours of Hercules: an astrological interpretation, during the Labour for Libra, Hercules finds time to drink wine with his companions, while also completing his mission to capture a wild boar. There is a metaphor here about experiencing the simple the joy of being, without the attachment that leads to suffering.

The taming of the wild boar is also a hint that this path involves taming our animal instincts in some way. There is also a caution about the potential dangers distraction for our spiritual journey, the pleasure of wine and good company distracted Hercules from his mission for a time, before he was able to get back on track and complete his mission.

In Libra choice is made. If our choice is to follow worldly pursuits, then we remain in Samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. If we choose the path of awakening, we are on our way to liberation from Samsara and the freedom of being fully awake.

Contemplating these Libra themes can lead us to deeper insights into what the Tibetan may have meant in the keynote for Libra:

"I choose the way which leads

between the two great lines of force."

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To learn more about Soul Astrology and how it can support your journey of spiritual awakening you're invited to join us in our ongoing Soul Astrology Community ...

Going forward, I will be teaching in depth and answering questions in our Living Soul Astrology course and Soul Astrology Community. 

As a newsletter reader and ongoing student of Soul Astrology, you are strongly encouraged to join us and together we will continue to share and learn on our ongoing journey of Self Exploration and Spiritual awakening.

There are payment plans and concessional rates in place to make this happen for as many readers as possible so check it out NOW and make sure you're not missing out!

Online Course and Student Community

Discover YOUR hidden treasure, in our Living Soul Astrology online course and Student Community... Learn more...

That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.

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  • Introduction to Soul Astrology

  • Full Color Natal Chart

  • The Planetary Spaceholders

  • Your Soul Purpose and Life Experience

  • Earth, Vulcan and The Moon's Nodes


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VIDEO with Ruth Hadikin

Author and Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin reads about each Soul Sign and gives additional commentary.

Watch the trailer HERE

All 12 Soul Sign Videos - ONLY $42.50 apply promo code READER15

A great way to learn the bigger picture of your Soul's development through all twelve signs. Read More...

How Your Rising Sign Reveals

Your Soul Path and Life Purpose

by Ruth Hadikin

“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... 

Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, the author describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. 

This book offers a way of using your birth chart to answer life's big questions by recognizing the energy that you were born with and how it is wanting to be expressed in this lifetime.

For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, Kobo and Nook...

A valuable addition to your

Soul Astrology library...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology builds on Ruth's first Soul Astrology book, by introducing the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, AND offering even more insight into the Soul-Centered meaning of the twelve zodiac signs. Read more...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology not only deepens your knowledge of how Soul Astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path, and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...


deeper expeditions into Soul Astrology

from Life's Greatest Adventure

by Ruth Hadikin

Deeper insights into the twelve Zodiac Signs from Aries through to Pisces,

from a Soul-Centered perspective.

Available in paperback and Kindle


by Ruth Hadikin

A simple guide to your Soul Sign, based on Soul Astrology and the teachings of The Tibetan.

This Soul Sign guide includes:


Your Soul Sign

Personality and Soul

Soul Recognition

Personality and Soul Expressions of Your Soul Sign


A unique meditation specific to your Soul Sign.

"My daughter said she had never read a description of the Leo Soul that resonated with her the way yours did. Thank you so much for the work you do!" - Charlotte, Ohio, USA

Choose the title that matches YOUR Soul Sign.

Note: The Soul Sign descriptions in this short guide are from the book:

"Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose"

The Soul Sign meditations are unique to this edition.

How To Read A Birth Chart

A simple, easy guide for beginners.

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NOTE: If you bought a combined Birth Chart and Forecast you already have this - it is included - so you don't need to get it again! - Ruth

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This book shows you how you are flowing light. When you experience this for yourself, it becomes possible to master the art of flowing light and energy in powerful ways that permanently benefit yourself and others. Read more ...