Subject: ♑ Soul Astrology Newsletter - Return of The Light ♑

The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure!

January 2025 Newsletter

Hi Friend

May 2025 bring you deep peace, awareness, insight, realizations, wisdom, and genuine progress in your experience of spiritual awakening.

Last month we explored the Soul-centered meaning of Sagittarius in The Sound of Silence. This month it's time to look at the Soul-centered meaning of Capricorn.

For those who are new to Soul Astrology, in this series we are tracking the Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs as described by the Tibetan master in Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey. It is the esoteric story of our Soul's journey from light into form.

Remember, whether you have personal planets in Capricorn or not, sooner or later we will all experience these themes for ourselves on our Soul journey ... and if we are beginning to awaken we may recognize that we have experienced ALL of them already!

If you do have personal planets in Capricorn or Capricorn Rising, then the themes we are about to discuss may be especially significant and meaningful for you in this lifetime....

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Now let's go to this month's Soul Astrology exploration - Return of The Light ...


You can read more about Sagittarius and all 12 Soul Signs in my book Soul Astrology -  and get the video "Capricorn Rising The Capricorn Soul" HERE - enjoy! (Remember you can use code XMAS50 until January 5th for a 50% discount! After that time use code READER15 for your regular 15% reader discount)

"The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology" builds on the first Soul Astrology book, by including the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, plus offering deeper insights into the 12 Zodiac Signs. Available in paperback and Kindle, it also forms the basis for the online Living Soul Astrology course.

Capricorn - Return of The Light

Return of The Light

""Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true,

for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life.

Only on his knees can he go through that door."

- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology

As we continue our Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs, the sentient 'spark' of light that ignited in Aries, became a conscious beam of light in Taurus, multiple rays of intelligent light in Gemini, incarnated into form in Cancer, developed a sense of self in Leo, felt the urge to serve in Virgo, faced choice in Libra, triumphed over worldly desires in Scorpio, and found the way home in Sagittarius, must now walk the path ...

Now our embodied Soul of conscious, intelligent, light, must remain undistracted and with single-pointed focus walk the path that leads to liberation from suffering, and ultimately self-realization, but we are not home and dry yet, there is still the possibility of distraction, wandering off course, making mistakes, and becoming lost ...

In earlier newsletters we explored how, according to the Tibetan tradition, everything manifests from source, through the light realm into the physical realm.

On our Soul's journey out through the stages of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, our Soul was in the light realm. In Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra the Soul was in physical form. Scorpio was the point of transformation, where Soul and form become one. Now the Soul is on the return journey: the path, way, or method was found in Sagittarius, yet it still needs to be applied so that we return fully to light ... 

So what does this mean for us personally? Let's explore!

Returning To Light but in Physical Form

The light never leaves us... it just appears to leave, as our attention wanders away from our essence and becomes distracted by worldly concerns. Yet in any moment, we can turn our attention back to our essence: the light of our being.

This is what Jesus meant when he said "the Kingdom of God is at hand". Enlightenment, or full spiritual awakening, is much closer than you think... it is a matter of training your attention to remain in the light of your awareness and not to get lost in thoughts and daily activities.

So the return of the Light is not the light returning to us, but us returning to light. As we keep our attention increasingly on how we flow our energy, by setting pure intentions: such as flowing compassion for the benefit of all beings, and thereby purifying any thoughts, speech, and actions that generate density in our energy field, we actually become physically lighter. Our energy channels open up and allow more light into our being.

Capricorn and The Rainbow Body

Eventually, it is possible that our physical body could transform into light, however this is the culmination of a very long and dedicated path - a path of discipline - which is why Capricorn is the path of yogis, sages, and the determined disciple.

There is a process whereby the physical body can transform into the Rainbow Body without experiencing physical death. There are many accounts of great yogis experiencing this high degree of enlightenment, but in our dense, material-focused age such accounts are becoming fewer and fewer.*

The authentic experience of Rainbow Body is where the Soul light has fully 'returned' and filled the body to the degree that the body actually becomes light.

*A recent account of a yogi's transformation into Rainbow Body is described in "Rainbow Body and Ressurection" by Catholic priest Father Francis Tiso.

Bringing Heaven To Earth

This is what the Tibetan means when he speaks of the highest Soul purpose of Capricorn as 'bringing heaven to Earth'. It is a process of bringing light to Earth through the physical body, to such an extent that it actually 'enlightens' humanity and the Earth herself, and by doing so brings great benefit to Earth and all her creatures.

For this process to unfold, there has to be complete surrender and genuine dissolution of all traces of ego. There can't be even the subtlest sense of holding on the a personalised sense of 'self' that is 'doing' something. Remember the great Indian sage Patanjali described ego as, "a limiting sense of "I" that attributes the power of consciousness to itself".

The process that we call spiritual awakening is the natural unfolding of the power of consciousness itself, not something that can be done by ego. Indeed, if we try to 'do something' to reach awakening, we will block the process and prevent awakening entirely!

This is why the Tibetan says 'only on his knees can he go through that door'. Kneeling is traditionally associated with humility, and it is only in genuine, pure humility, after the total dissolution of ego, that we can pass to the next level in Aquarius - the path of the bodhisattva.

Here we are not speaking of ego in the everyday sense of the word, but we are referring to our deepest sense of a personal self. Even in our deepest meditation, we can be ever-so-subtly holding on to a sense of 'me' that is doing the meditation! This is what Lama Thubten Yeshe, in "Mahamudra: How To Discover Our True Nature", refers to at the intuitive "I".

If we are still experiencing even the most subtle sense of a personal self, it will block the process of full awakening. The way is to keep letting go into being.

"There is no way of being. Being is the way" - The Tao

Even if 'we' think 'we' have to let go. That could still be our ego trying to control the process! The process of awakening is simple, yet not easy. It is a practice of deepening awareness and letting go, to the degree that each time we notice we are holding or grasping, even ever so slightly, we release and let go and rest more deeply in being.

This is the true path of Capricorn. It may start as a method, but eventually even all method has to be released, until there is simply being.

Letting Go of Bliss

We may even have arrived at a point where we have experiences of deep peace and bliss in our meditation, but if there is still a subtle sense of self, "Me", an experiencer who is the one 'having the experience', then we are still not fully awakened, and have further to go.

At this point we may need to turn our focus away from the light, or the bliss, and open up even more fully, so that we can release any trace of self, and fully awaken into vast, alert, presence.

Once we have a deeper awareness of this process, we may be closer to understanding the Tibetan's keynote for Capricorn:

"Lost am I in light supernal,

yet on that light I turn my back."

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That's all for now! See you next time and, in the meantime...  happy exploring!

Best Wishes,


P.S Remember until January 5th 2025 your Christmas codes XMAS50 and XMAS75 are still valid!

Ruth Hadikin, B.Sc. is an author and teacher of Soul Astrology. She specializes in teaching how to use Soul Astrology as a map to guide your own inner journey of Self-exploration.

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VIDEO with Ruth Hadikin

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Watch the trailer HERE

Christmas Special!

All 12 Soul Sign Videos - ONLY $25

promo code XMAS50

Hurry - code expires midnight UTC January 5th 2025

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“Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can be revealed through your birth chart. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... 

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For lovers of astrology, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.

Available in paperback, Kindle, Kobo and Nook...

Online Course

Learn Soul Astrology online at your own pace and discover YOUR hidden treasure, with the Living Soul Astrology online course.


  • 24 written lessons

  • 24 video lessons

  • 24 meditations

  • Soul Astrology Community

  • Certificate of Completion

Christmas Special!

Learn Soul Astrology online from

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but hurry - code expires midnight UTC January 5th 2025

A valuable addition to your

Soul Astrology library...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology builds on Ruth's first Soul Astrology book, by introducing the Soul-Centered meanings of the planets and houses, AND offering even more insight into the Soul-Centered meaning of the twelve zodiac signs. Read more...

The Complete Foundations of Soul Astrology not only deepens your knowledge of how Soul Astrology works, but also uses astrological principles to help you to understand your own true nature, your Soul's path, and your life purpose.

A priceless read for those on a spiritual journey.

Available in paperback and Kindle...


deeper expeditions into Soul Astrology

from Life's Greatest Adventure

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Deeper insights into the twelve Zodiac Signs from Aries through to Pisces,

from a Soul-Centered perspective.

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(new cover 2024)


by Ruth Hadikin

A simple guide to your Soul Sign, based on Soul Astrology and the teachings of The Tibetan.

This Soul Sign guide includes:


Your Soul Sign

Personality and Soul

Soul Recognition

Personality and Soul Expressions of Your Soul Sign


A unique meditation specific to your Soul Sign.

"My daughter said she had never read a description of the Leo Soul that resonated with her the way yours did. Thank you so much for the work you do!" - Charlotte, Ohio, USA

Choose the title that matches YOUR Soul Sign.

Note: The Soul Sign descriptions in this short guide are from the book:

"Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose"

The Soul Sign meditations are unique to this edition.

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