“It is through the understanding of life and consciousness,
as governed by Gemini, that the final release can be mentally achieved. Ponder upon this statement, for in Gemini,
the disciple can come to some intelligent grasp
of what we might call the consciousness-mechanism
and of the life processes which
enable man finally to be what he is.”
Gemini's symbol is the “Heavenly Twins”. Gemini is the first sign of the zodiac to feature humans rather than animals in it’s symbology. This is the first hint at an esoteric connection to the spiritual evolution of humanity.
The sign of Gemini is about connection, communication and communion. Esoterically the Soul begins it’s journey in Aries as a point of light in the mind of God. This single point projects out as beam of light in Taurus, before fanning out to become myriad rays of rainbow light in Gemini touching all of existence. The light of Gemini seeks wisdom and, ultimately, resolves all extremes, polarities, and duality back into one, but first Gemini must fully experience the human journey, in order to cultivate wisdom.
In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan explains how Gemini is unique in that it is the only sign that can 'touch' all of the 11 other signs. In other words, Gemini has the capacity to step into the world of every other sign in order to gain experience and understand life, from another perspective.
However, it is important to realize, that Gemini must not remain in any one world. In order to gain the highest wisdom, as the mutable air sign, Gemini must keep moving, until all realms have been touched, known, and understood.
Mandala Principle
What do we mean by 'worlds' or 'realms'? In his book Never Turn Away, Buddhist practitioner and yogi Lama Rigdzin Shikpo describes how everything in existence, exists by way of 'mandala principle'. This is the idea that no matter how it appears, everything basically exists as a bubble, sphere, or field of energy, held together by magnetism. In other words we are all magnetic fields.
Magnetic fields are powerful and bind groups and individuals together. British scientist Rupert Sheldrake has written much on the subject of 'morphic memory' and 'morphogenetic fields'. It's the inherent memory in nature, embedded in our DNA, that during embryonic development tells one group of cells to develop into an eye, while another group of cells 'knows' how to become a brain, or a heart etc. Sheldrake extends this theory to include how 'birds of a feather flock together'. Ant colonies know how to group together, so do bees, geese, fish etc. And humans...
It's as though there is a kind of 'magnetic field' that holds us together as a group, and this group bond is most likely created in past lives. When we meet someone with whom we have shared a very close bond in a past life, there is still a magnetic trace. There is still a resonance, and we feel it. Sheldrake uses the concept of morphogenetic fields to explain how animals (and humans) know when one is missing from the group. He says these fields can 'stretch' over long distances but never break. If one group member is missing, the whole group feels it, until they return.
Morphogenetic fields are generated by mental and emotional energy and as such, they are a result of karmic conditioning (read more in the newsletter archive edition "Navigating The Depths of Karma").
The Gemini Soul is coming to understand the true nature of reality by experiencing as many different worlds, or realms of existence, as possible, in order to ultimately understand how worlds come into existence in the first place!
This also involves understanding the nature of thought, and it's relationship to the formation of the magnetic fields, of which we are part. In order to understand the nature of thought, we need to develop objectivity so we can observe thoughts and mental events almost as if they weren't part of us. This is why, in the initial stages of our Soul's journey, Gemini actually creates separation, duality, in other words, self and other. It is by observing ourselves through others that we truly come to know ourselves.
Our inner journey involves moving along. We are not to get stuck in the content of our thoughts. We are not to remain in our outer projections. Eventually, just as the river returns to the ocean, so our journey brings us home to wholeness. It is Gemini's job to keep moving, gather wisdom, and eventually, return home.
The above post is an excerpt from "Soul Sign Explorations: deeper expeditions into Soul Astrology from Life's Greatest Adventure"
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