The Way of The Bodhisattva
" the turning of the wheel in two directions—brought release in Capricorn and produced the world server in Aquarius, who voluntarily stays upon the great wheel ... thus staying within the sphere of influence in order to help humanity to find liberation."
- The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology
As we continue our Soul's journey through the twelve zodiac signs, the sentient 'spark' of light that ignited in Aries, became a conscious beam of light in Taurus, multiple rays of intelligent light in Gemini, incarnated into form in Cancer, developed a sense of self in Leo, felt the urge to serve in Virgo, faced choice in Libra, triumphed over worldly desires in Scorpio, found the way home in Sagittarius, walked the path in Capricorn, emerges as the embodiment of an awakened heart ...
Now our embodied Soul of conscious, intelligent, light, has the capacity to flow compassion through bodhicitta. In Tibetan Buddhism compassion means "method" or "action". It is a word that means both knowing innately which actions will be of benefit, and having the capacity to take those actions. These abilities are the result of "bodhicitta" which is the awakened heart.
In earlier newsletters we explored how, according to the Tibetan tradition, everything manifests from source, through the light realm into the physical realm.
On our Soul's journey out through the stages of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, our Soul was in the light realm. In Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra the Soul was in physical form. Scorpio was the point of transformation, where Soul and form become one. Now the Soul is on the return journey: the path, way, or method was found in Sagittarius, and applied in Capricorn, so in Aquarius we become an emanation of light body, while still in physical form...
So what does this mean for us personally? Let's explore!
What began as the first quickening of an urge to serve in Virgo, now culminates and matures into a being capable of selfless service in Aquarius
We mentioned the bodhisattva path in earlier newsletters and, in particular, in last year's newsletter on Aquarius. Now it's time to explore in a little more depth just exactly what the bodhisattva path is, and why it is associated with this sign.
The bodhisattva is said to be one who defers his or her own enlightenment to be of service to others, however there is much more to the bodhisattva path than that. It is the sign of one who is almost, but not quite, a fully enlightened buddha.
The Tibetan would have been very familiar with the concept of a bodhisattva, however back in the 1930's it would not have been easy for Alice Bailey to convey these concepts to English speaking readers.
For example, in Esoteric Astrology the word citta is translated as simply 'mind stuff'. Our understanding of the term then, would rest upon our understanding of mind. Recent translations of citta, based on a deeper understanding of Buddhist thought, suggest that while citta may be translated simply as mind, it can also mean attention, or awareness.
So citta is not simply the contents of our thoughts, but may also refer to that faculty through which we are aware that we are thinking. We can also think of citta as thinking/ feeling or heart-mind.
Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart-Mind
The word bodhi means awake, so bodhicitta can mean awakened heart mind. Bodhicitta is described as the natural outpouring of beneficial energy from and wakened heart.
A bodhisattva is someone who is both developing, and has achieved, considerable capacity in flowing heart energy in beneficial ways. This is the activity of an awakened heart.
This is why Aquarius is the sign of the bodhisattva.
Humanitarian Activity
At this level of awakening the Aquarian Soul is also aware of the collective consciousness of humanity. The activities of an awakened heart would naturally flow into humanitarian ventures for the benefit of all.
Flowing The Dual Waters of Love and Life
In Aquarius, the Soul has learned to recognise and increase the flow of energies from the heart, and also has developed the capacity to direct these energies where they are needed. In Esoteric Astrology the Tibetan refers to this as the flow of the dual waters of Love and Life.
The 'dual waters' are the Tibetan's way of describing our Soul's energy, as it flows through our awakened heart, by drawing attention to two qualities. In exploring this it is important to understand that they aren't separate, but are actually two qualities of the same thing.
To understand this, in the Tibetan scriptures they often use the example of the Sun. We all experience the Sun's light, and heat, but we can never separate the two. They are both essential aspects of the Sun's energy.
Sometimes we can place our attention on the light and not notice the heat so much. (Like on a sunny winter's day). At other times we can focus on the heat and not notice the light so much. (Like on a hot summer's night). Yet whichever aspect we are focusing on, both qualities are always ever-present within the Sun.
So with the Aquarius Soul we are talking about the energy of Love and Life (or life force energy) that it is possible to flow, emanate, or radiate, for the benefit of humanity and all sentient beings.
In your meditation, pay attention to how your heart energy is flowing. Notice in your meditation and as you go throughout your day, how sometimes it feels like Love, and at other times it feels like Life (prana, or life-force energy) but it is always the same thing: your Soul's Essence.
Once you become familiar with the qualities of love and life as they flow through your awakening heart, then you will have a deeper understanding of the Tibetan's keynote for Aquarius:
poured forth for thirsty humanity."
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