Subject: Friend 💡Happy New Year To You (Are You Ready For Growth Con 4)?

Hello Friend

Happy 2020 To You!

I hope you started off 2020 well? I figured whilst we are still in the month of January, it is never too late to wish you a Happy New Year. 

It is amazing how quickly the months pass by and before you know it, its another whole new year. I don't about you, but for me I do not believe in New Years Resolutions, even though I used to. Now, I believe in maximizing on each day to the best of my abilities and living with minimal regret. 

In the past, we may have connected as result of your expressed interest to attend the Growth Conference Live Event. Had it not been for me escaping my 9-5 pm career lifestyle, I do not believe, we would have connected. I would have been fully involved and stuck in my corporate career with minimal confidence of becoming an independent Entrepreneur. 

Long story short, I have been living a more fulfilled and freeing lifestyle more than before. This is as result of choosing to commit to fulfilling my life vision and purpose. This is also what motivates me to connect with you and many other like-minded people.

Question for you: Are you in the place where you want to be in life at the moment? In terms of consistently committing to fulfilling your life vision and purpose? Whereby, you are able to have the flexibility to maximize on your greatest lifestyle and business potential with minimal restrictions? 

Often people think, that living an independent and freeing lifestyle, means becoming financially successful in the shortest amount of time. This is not the case...

If you believe that 2020 is the year for you to maximize your greatest potential; then the 10X Growth Conference , may just be the next best opportunity for you. This includes having the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and experts in the Business and Marketing Industry. 

For me it's a no brainier, in order to succeed in life we have to be surrounded by like minds and experts who have already been there. By people who can walk you through their lessons learnt processes and systems, so that you have a better chance of succeeding in life. 

I won't lie to you, becoming an Entrepreneur, or starting your own Business is not easy and not for everyone. I do not recommend these types of opportunities just to everyone, as I know based on firsthand experience the personal sacrifice, commitment, self-belief and investment it takes to become successful.

As I type this email, to you now, I am in the process of helping my mom in growing her small cleaning business. There are so many lessons, I have learnt from this experience so far, which I will share with you along the way. 

Before I get carried away if you are in the position where you are seeking more personal lifestyle and business growth, then the 10X Growth Conference may just be the best opportunity for you to start out with in 2020. You might already be aware that all speakers have now been announced? 

This includes the 10X Ladies Networking Event with  Elena Cardone

The bottom line is this—the 10X Growth Conference is 91% sold out due to high interest and tickets usually sell out quickly. It's an opportunity not to be missed, which will enable you to learn the best wealth, business and mindset techniques. Including the opportunity to grow your social and professional network. 

Until next time... 

To your continued success,

Feel Free to connect with me via 

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Disclaimer stuff to state the obvious: I’m a marketer - I promote my own products. Often, I like to pass along testimonials of atypical results from my top achieving members. Please don't assume you'll duplicate their results It takes hard work, dedication, and persistence to make it in this industry (but believe me, it's worth it!).