Subject: Pop Tunes and Grammar

Pop Tunes and Grammar

September 28th, 2016 at 9:00 am CDT

Pop Tunes and Grammar Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view it online. Hi, Friend. Welcome to your e-newsletter. I love your website. I find it extremely helpful as a quick r ...

You Can’t Coin What’s Already Coined

September 21st, 2016 at 10:46 am CDT

You Can’t Coin What’s Already Coined Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view it online. Hi, Friend. Welcome to your e-newsletter. is an awesome website that is helping me b ...

What Is-Is Is, Is Exasperating - Corrected Title

September 16th, 2016 at 6:04 pm CDT

What Is-Is Is, Is Exasperating Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view it online. Hi, Friend. Welcome to your e-newsletter. I love your website. It is simple, straight to the p ...

What Is-Is Is, Is Exasperating

September 14th, 2016 at 9:00 am CDT

What Is-Is Is, Is Exasperating Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view it online. Hi, Friend. Welcome to your e-newsletter. I love your website. It is simple, straight to the p ...

Test Your Vocabulary

September 7th, 2016 at 9:00 am CDT

Test Your Vocabulary Having trouble viewing this message? Click here to view it online. Hi, Friend. Welcome to your e-newsletter. Thank you for the terrific resources available through When I ...

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