Subject: Whats been going on in Govcon Giants 🧐

Catch up on what has happened this week...

Everyone has a backstory, this is a part of mine. 

Finally had a chance to travel internationally on a family trip together. 

My mom 79 y/o with two of her kids and three grandchildren. She said she’s getting older but still have a lot of living left to do. 

My dad her husband of 62+ years decided to stay home and sit this one out. But we’ll have him cruising for Thanksgiving so he won’t miss to much. 

Not many people know that my mom was an entrepreneur. She had a business Coffie Comfort Center which was an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) where she cared for elderly people who were being forgotten inside nursing homes. 

This and working as a private duty nurse for more than 30 years taught her the importance of using your mind and body as you get older to continue to work those muscles. 

She noticed that once her patients stopped using their arms, legs, mind they gradually started going down hill. So she is thankful for having youth around to keep her moving her limbs and using her brain. 

She continues to operate as the secretary for her church and regularly makes bank deposits and balances the books.  

All of my support and encouragement for being an entrepreneur, a teacher a mentor to so many derives from the patience and love bestowed upon me as a child. 

This week's Podcast Episodes

142: Marvina Case – Implementing synergy to businesses and government agencies to shape their future

Eric had a great conversation with Marvina Case, the Swē CEO, a Philanthropist, and Author II Cherry on the Tech. After publishing her book, The Mean, MEAN, Mother, Marvina Case dedicated herself full time to bringing synergy to businesses and government agencies around the world.

Whether as a keynote speaker, workshop leader, or digital transformation expert she helps break through the boundaries with data that are limiting people and get them ready to shape the future. Her company, Swetspot, claims to put the cherry on top of tech.

In this episode you will ...

  • Hear how Marvina takes people, and their processes, and integrate it with technology.

  • Hear how Marvina set her priorities. Making sure her family comes first, and creating a harmonious balance between work and home.

  •  Learn the importance of writing out you processes and procedures.

Speaker Tuesday is inside Academy 3.0

If you missed this month's speaker Tuesday, it is now inside your 2022 Live Member Only module in the course.

We had Joy Haley in to walk us through how to properly register with

Joy has helped register over 100 small businesses & over 30 woman-owned certifications.

We heard many of you have had a challenging time (to say the least) with your registration, so we brought Joy in to help you overcome them. Do not get frustrated as she mentioned it has been taking months for many to get it approved.

Feeling Stuck?

We are looking to find out how to better serve you.

We want to set up a small group and hear where and why you are not growing toward success in the Govcon world.

If you would like to participate here are the minimum requirements. Make sure you meet them as I will be checking. Space is limited.

  1. Be enrolled non Academy 3.0 for AT LEAST 6 months.

  2. Have completed AT LEAST 10 modules.

  3. Attend weekly Tuesday calls.

If you meet them and want to participate, email Maria at

I know you have heard or seen the videos about Closing out new membership to Academy 3.0. But I promise you, YOU do not have anything to worry about.

This is for new members only. You in the other hand are in already and will be able to keep all your benefits and enjoy the new ones as long as you are a member.

Lifetime Members, no matter when you bought in not the lifetime option you are in a great place because we grow you grow with us FOREVER.

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