Subject: This week in Govcon .. November 15

Happy Veterans Day to all of those that served! 

What's new with me, you and how can we move closer to the goal post?

This week’s news:
As most of you probably already realized was retired on 11/12 and has been fraught with problems since is debut. No need to reiterate the facts, like most govcon systems the promise is better than the delivery. Read here.
Eventually I will make a video about it once the new system stays up long enough for me to figure it all out!

Enlightening videos we released this week on YT:
  1. Supplier changes the price after the contractor wins the award (watch now
  2. 2019 is the best time in history to win federal contracts, learn why
  3. How to introduce a new product/service/technology to the government? anything come to mind
  4. Dionne almost got scammed out of $90K by fake RFP! are you next?

Govcon Giants news:
The course is undergoing version 3.0 a major upgrade from the previous two versions. The new changes will allow us to begin transitioning from an 18 module course to a full blown academy and training platform. Preview here

One of our students Jody who signed up on 8/1/19 landed a consultant and this week they won their first award together for $945,000. That is not the most amazing part, the remarkable part of the story is his resiliency over the last 3 months. He drove me crazy as he twisted, turned and mulled over ideas, people and activities. Read case study here.

Q&A Tips:
If you are currently a full time engineer, a nurse, work in oil and gas and are looking for a way to break into this marketplace, I would suggest working with companies within your own industry. Why? You have specialized knowledge that most don’t have and can leverage that to offer solutions to problems within the government.

What am I reading?
Art of Seduction, Robert Green: An Indispensable Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power. What is interesting about this book is that it offers historical examples of how people throughout history have used seduction techniques to manipulate others into doing their bidding.  Super fascinating read!

Today's Quote:
"BANG! BANG! BANG!" - John Witherspoon [this is how you need to attack the government sector]

In honor of the great John Witherspoon, watch some of his favorite all time clips, here.  

Follow us on IG: @govcongiants & @ecoffie

Thanks for reading. 

Winter is here, stay warm!

Love Eric. 
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