Subject:Ā This Week at Govcon Giants šŸ‚

šŸ Catch up on what has happened this week...

Behind the scenes with Eric Coffie...

The first time we met was in 2009 at an SBA 7J training series as we were both learning to navigate the program.Ā 

Originally we both started as construction contractors. Patricia BonillaĀ was forging her way as a newcomer into the market as the CEO of a little known company, Lunacon Construciton
I was a recent contractor who due to the collapse of the housing market was looking to make my own path into government contracting consulting with a residential Air Conditioning company.Ā 

Over the last 13 years weā€™ve both overcome what seemed like insurmountable odds at times to cement our place as builders creators entrepreneurs. But we agree that is was more than well worth the fight.Ā 

Iā€™ve watched her grow from a distance without saying much or checking in but always remembering the short time we shared together in those classes.Ā 

In 2018 she came onto my show as I was just launching my new podcast, Govcon Giants,Ā to help level the playing field for small businesses who needed to learn about Government Contracting. One year earlier 2017 we launched on YouTube making this content and the information readily available and widely accessible for those who could not afford to attend a conference or events, travel to learn.Ā 

With the launch of her foundation Patricia to reaching back to help others. Now she is growing her online presence to solve market inefficiencies for construction firms that she has recognized over her years of being in the biz.Ā 

And I am fully committed to helping and supporting her 100%.Ā 

This picture is a great representation of when two people have great admiration and respect for one another. Patricia your amazing!Ā 

This week's Podcast Episodes

Episode 144: Jon Barker -Crushing the pricing game in government contracting

This weekā€™s podcast is my conversation with Jon Barker Founder at PTW (plan-position-price | target | win) Solutions Inc., he helps companies figure out the correct pricing to win government bids.

He has spent the last 15 years as Contract and Consultant Administrator, Contracts Manager, Director of Contracts and Deputy Director of Contracts for a slew of companies from 2k employees up to 90K employees. Additionally Jon provided strategic support for an emerging small business that eventually went public.

Pricing is more of an art than science particularly when it comes to government contracting. You think it may be simple but the truth is pricing cost-plus or T&M contracts can be a bear.

In this episode we discuss Jonā€™s Go-toā€™s data sources for pricing. He shares the tools and systems he used to do contract management for large firms where he provides contract administration.

Take a look at what GovCon Giants is taking the Lead on with NSF

NSF Engine: Type-1 Tampa2Miamiā€™s (T2M) Medtech Corridor - Letter of IntentĀ 

Lead Organization: GovCon Giant, IncĀ 

Principal Investigator: Krista Casazza PhD, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU)Ā 

In partnership with a cross-sector international interdisciplinary team the (T2M) Tampa2Miami Medical Innovator led MedTech Corridor Innovation Engine aims to accelerate the pace of innovation and translation in emerging technologies, addressal of the pivotal education challenges of our time, and engagement and embodiment the diverse talent that exists in the region.

The proposed crosscutting platform will collaboratively integrate existing partnerships and establish new networks to leverage, energize and rapidly bring use-inspired research and innovation to the region through transformative breakthroughs in overall cadaveric and anatomical education, tools and opportunities. Aligning the engine focus area in fostering innovative technology-driven research and development ecosystems that have the potential to transform science and engineering exploration. Clustering activities will afford a myriad of benefits, with expanded research and development strategies and an increased innovation platform.

Our strategic plan encompasses a multi-component engine design to drive towards sustainable infrastructure via

1) innovation and commercialization of use-informed research;

2) education and training; and

3) emergent technologies including Distributed Ledger Technology and Artificial Intelligence. to construct and standardize outcomes within the T2M MedTech corridor.Ā 

This Weeks GrowLab is now Inside Academy 3.0

This week Learning Session we had John Bowen come and drop gems!

John gave us his backstory and how he came from not knowing anything and running a credit repair business to being a full time contractor. He leverage what Eric told him and what he learned in the program and used it to sell PRODUCTS to the county. He began with batteries, then COVID cleaning gave him the ability to do this full time and now sells chemicals. Listen on how he used pools in contracting for his benefits.

If you missed it or want a replay it is now inside Academy 3.0.

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