Subject:Ā Steps for Supplier Credit ReferencešŸ“ˆ

Hello Giants,

I know many of you have questions about what is vendor credit, where do I get vendor credit, and how can Govcon help me get vendor credit.

  1. What is vendor/supplier credit?

    1. A supplier credit isĀ an agreement in a commercial contract under which an exporter will supply goods or services to a buyer on credit terms.Ā 

  2. Who give you credit?

    1. Many vendors, manufactures, and distributors and sometimes bigger companies offer this. Simply ask them when getting an estimate.

  3. How do I get credit?

    1. Simply ask. Most won't offer so you may have to ask. They will hand you an application, send you one via email or direct you to their site for you to complete.

  4. How can Govcon help me?

    1. Credit Applications wills for trade references. We can be one of those references A reference is basically someone you have previously done business with that can vouch for you. You will need contact info and then they will either call or send a follow up form for us to fill out asking when business was done, what terms and if you paid promptly. By the way, we usually start at $25-50 Thousands!

Now that we got that out of the way... Here are the STEPS YOU NEED TO FOLLOW  to ask us to be your reference.

PLEASE follow these steps as the company we will using is NOT Govcon Giants. Do not go around us and write in Govcon Giants. IMPORTANT - Remember that is a non-profit therefore we cannot vouch for you under that name being we do not generate any profits.

  1. You must first get the application from the vendor, manufacturer, or distributor.

  2. Email Erika at Your email MUST include:

    1. Application from the company

    2. Your article of organizations. This will provide us with lots of information we need like your full legal name and year your business was incorporate.

  3. After this the company will contact us and we will fill in the extra forms or take the call.


Keep in mind depending on when you came into the program is how many references you will receive.

If you have any questions please reach out to Erika at (786) 477-0477 or email her at

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