Subject: Giants 3.0 Updates

-  Giants 3.0 Launch

- National Defense Authorization Act Update

- Justice Department Awards Nearly $444 Million

- 12 Month Milestone Survey

For those that missed it, last week we announced the launch of Giants 3.0. Click here to find out everything that's included in the Giants 3.0 bundle.

On Monday the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, which approved more than $768 billion in defense spending was signed. During your free time take a look at the legislation to discover how you can take advantage of the upcoming DoD investments.

Recently, the Justice Department announced nearly $444 million in grant awards to support a wide range of violence reduction efforts, including community-based violence intervention and prevention strategies, youth and school violence prevention programs and evidence-based police and prosecution practices. To find out more about the awards and how they impact you click here. 

Finally, don't forget to fill out our 12 Month Milestone Survey. This will help us get a better understanding of your company to serve you better.


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