Subject: GOVCON News May 28, 2021

- Randie Ward from humble beginnings to a five million dollar contract

- Utilizing Google Alert for Grant Searches

- 14 Organizations that will help you launch and transform your business

- Five Ways for I.T. companies to start winning contracts

- Ariela Wagner covers how to protect your rights as a subcontractor and supplier

- Part two of the Roberta Moore podcast

- Training Schedule for the month of June

 I'm sure many of you have heard about Randie's recent success in winning her five million dollar contract. Now take a look at how it all started back in 2018. Just a testament to the fact that consistency pays off.

 For those interested in grants here's a quick video on how you can use google alert to set up grant searches.


Starting and growing a successful business is very challenging. Good thing, we have these 14 organizations to help you launch and transform your business towards success!

In addition to the traditional request for proposal bidding opportunities, several other contracting options for IT companies exist a few are mentioned here.

For all of my subcontractors and suppliers out there this week's podcast guest Ariela Wagner discusses Protecting Construction Lien & Bond Claim Rights for subcontracts and suppliers.

June Tuesday Training Schedule:

6/1 - General Q&A - open forum All students

6/8 - Beginners Session Govcon 2.0 only

6/15 - Industry Breakout Session Govcon 2.0

6/22 - Intermediate / Advanced Govcon 2.0 only

6/29 - No meeting

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