Subject: GOVCON NEWS: August 13, 2021: How to WIN Government Contracts With No Past Performance?

- Department of State Sources Sought

-  Commerce Department massive IT services contract

- How to avoid risking your company and paying millions

- How to win government contracts with no past performance

- 12 Month Milestone Survey

The Department of State currently has an open LFO source sought. To find out more about the sources sought opportunity click here. 

The Commerce Department is developing a massive IT services contract.

The enterprise contract will support IT delivery at every level, including agencies like Census, NOAA, and NIST. To read more about the contract click here. 

Learn how to avoid risking your company and paying millions of dollars with FEMA Program Specialist, Robert Wink!

Wondering how you can win government contracts with no past performance? Earlier this week I made a video covering the topic. You can watch it here.

Finally don't forget to fill out our 12 Month Milestone Survey. This will helps us get a better understanding of your company to serve you better.


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