Subject: 🌤️ This week recap for Govcon Giants 🗞️

Catch up on what has happened this week and what is coming up...

This week's YouTube Live is a MUST WATCH

This week's YouTube live was one that was motivating, inspiring, eye opening and of course a learning moment.

I do not want to spoil it but we had two incredible subscribers jump on and tell us their story. The first one told us his humbling story that took grit and leaving others behind on the corner of the Chicago streets to make it happen because he knew he could be better for himself and his kids. The second one is a 19 year old that is dominating Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) market thru DLA.

This week's Podcast Episode

This week we are excited to bring to you a different type of episode with Marti Hoffer, the Founder and CEO of Lumenomics. 

I met Marti at WBENC as she was one of the guests on stage speaking discussing financing her small business. Part of her conversation was centered around CDFIs and how they were the first organization to provide her small business with capital.

If you are wondering what a CDFI is, let me explain further, according to their website: Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are specialized community based financial institutions with a primary mission to promote economic development by providing financial products and services to people and communities underserved by traditional financial institutions, particularly in low income communities. 

The bottom line is these places have money for people who cannot otherwise get access to capital. They also include community development banks and credit unions, and non-regulated institutions such as non-profit loan funds or venture capital funds.

In this short and sweet episode, Marti shares briefly what she did and how she did it.

Click the link or show notes or click the video to watch.

Event from the desk of a past Podcast Guest

The National Security Innovation Network (NSIN) is holding its annual Defense Entrepreneurial Symposium (DES) on August 11th. 

The goal of the DES is to share opportunities for college students, startups, and small companies to work with the DoD to solve challenges by getting involved with NSIN "Acceleration Programs". Those opportunities can lead to cash awards to further develop technologies, prototyping opportunities, and even contracts. Additionally, and here is the kicker, investors and venture capitalists will give presentations on their activities and conduct a panel so people can find funding opportunities! 


Here is the link to register for this event, which starts at 9am CENTRAL, and is entirely virtual:



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South Floridians, we will see you Wednesday

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