Subject: 💥 This week recap for Govcon Giants 💥

Catch up on what has happened this week and what is coming up...

Let's take a minute to celebrate one of our own, Tomas Santos Alejandro!

Tomas was first featured as our podcast guest  a year after meeting Eric at Industry Day. He then knew the power of the network and joined Eric's PAL Inner Circle Program.

Big Congrats to our Giant Tomas!

Featured Podcast Episode

Just in case you missed this episode I wanted to remind you, specially those in contruction that this is a must watch/listen. Just this week alone 2 of our Members have reached out to Mr. Gibbs and gained valuable information, resource and service.

 Mr. Peter C. Gibbs of Foundation Surety out Maryland is the former Director, Office of Surety Guarantees for the SBA. He served in that capacity for more than 15 years. When he retired last year he went out on his own and started a bonding company.

Did you know that you can get a bond from an SBA surety with less
cash in the bank than you can with a traditional surety? Most people don’t know that. I did not know that prior to this lesson with Mr. Gibbs.

In the video Mr. Gibbs walks us through an example of how to increase your Bonding. If you are a contractor and you’re having problems with bonding or maybe you think you need to increase your bond, the problem may not be you, it just might be the surety. You could potentially double or quadruple your bond just by switching agents.

In this episode they discuss

  • What it takes to get bonding?

  • Is credit necessary?

  • What about capital?

  • How much capital is needed?

  • What is the difference between an SBA surety versus a non SBA surety?

Click the link or show notes or click the video to watch.

Are you in South Florida? Join Us!

Resource we would like to pass on

Need a Capability Statement Template?

Did you know as a Govcon Giants member you get a FREE template? If you have not claimed it let us know and we will send you the code.

Need another one or know someone that does? Go on and visit the website. They are great and the easy way to get it right.

Remember this is the first thing agencies, primes, OSDBUs and small business liaisons want to see. Make it count!


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