Subject: 🌤️ This Week at Govcon Giants

🍁 Catch up on what has happened this week...

Today is the day... LAST DAY OF THE 2021-2022 FISCAL YEAR of Government Contracting.

How did you make out?

What did you learn?

What did you earn?

We are excited to hear your stories, so email us at, if our videos and courses has helped you in any way.

In the meantime record your awards so this can help us with future grants and programs.

Hope all of our Florida Friends have safely made it though Hurricane Ian.

For those in his next paths, may you stay safe.

This week's Podcast Episodes

146: Susan Thibodeaux – Government Contracts Small Business Champion

In this week's episode we bring on Susan Thibodeaux SBLO/ Director of Small Business Programs at Acuity International formerly Caliburn International. The company was founded in 2018 with the acquisition of 5 different corporations to form Caliburn International.

Susan brings more than 30 years of experience to the industry and she is the director of small business programs helping to match up small businesses with various divisions within the company, highlighting their strengths and giving their teams the meat they needed to go after these proposals.

I promise you, Susan is as sharp as they come in the government contracting arena, so pay attention to everything that Susan says and hang on to her very last word. I look forward to hearing from you in the comments some feedback to this upcoming episode.

Good Read From:

Harvard Business Review

Uncertainty is unavoidable. As a manager, you need to be prepared to lead your team through murky waters, but doing so requires getting in the right mindset yourself. 

Here are six tips to help you shift your perspective:  

1. Embrace the discomfort of not knowing. Move from a know-it-all to a learn-it-all mindset. You don’t need to have all the answers.

2. Distinguish between "complicated" and "complex" issues. They require different solutions.

3. Let go of perfectionism. Instead, aim for progress, expect mistakes, and recognize that you have the ability to continually course correct as needed.

4. Resist the urge to oversimplify and come to quick conclusions. Take a disciplined approach to understanding both the complexity of the situation and your own biases.

5. Don’t go it alone. Connect with your peers who have their own set of experiences and perspectives to draw from.

6. Zoom out. Taking a broad, systemic view of the issues at hand can reveal unexamined assumptions that would otherwise be invisible.

Read the full article: "6 Strategies for Leading Through Uncertainty."

We will be at the SAME Conference in November!

Just in case you missed the announcement Tuesday. We will be hosting an event that Wednesday, Details will come soon.

If you are still thinking of going and the price is just too steep here is a way in.. VOLUNTEER!

Yes, they are looking for volunteers and you ge too go the the conference for FREE. Here are a few things to know.

+ You must volunteer for a minimum of 8 hours.

+ You have to pay a percentage of the ticket as a deposit. As soon as you finish your hours it will be refunded to you.

Want more info visit:

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