Subject: 💬 TONIGHT Breakout Sessions 📚

Join Us Tonight at 7:05 PM EST

Breakout Session

Hope everyone is having a Terrific Tuesday. I received this in my email and wanted to share it with you.

3 Keys to Progress

As leaders, we know that nothing about our future is behind us. Today I wanted to share with you three keys to progress, Tim Timberlake. I believe his insight will provide a framework for you to gauge your team's forward momentum as you push towards your goals.

I. Remember to Forget
If you focus on what happened, you'll miss the opportunity of what could be.

II. Choose Progress
If you don’t schedule your victories, your defeats will schedule you.

III. Favor the Future
Your future begins when you stop discussing the past.

This is open strictly to Govcon Giants members so do not invite anyone else. 


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